Chapter 14: Seek And Destroy

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Gently you rested your back up against the wall. You were exhausted, but couldn't sleep because of how scared you were about something happening to you without you knowing. It didn't help that the chains around you prevented you from sleeping comfortably. It's funny, you felt like you should be used to chains by now.

You heard talking behind the door far in front of you. A red Yiga symbol appeared and the door slammed open. Master Raikin, a blademaster, and Mandy made their way towards you. The blademaster closed the door behind them.

"Good morning, princess," Master Raikin said joyfully.

"What do you want now?" you angrily sighed. "Shouldn't you guys be preparing for a surprise invasion or something?"

"Oh trust me," he walked until he was right in front of you, "that is all being worked on." You peered behind him and noticed that the one blademaster was holding a small box. What is it for? Is it for you? For someone else? "I see you've spotted that box," he turned slightly towards the blademaster. "I'll gladly show you what's inside." The blademaster quickly walked over to Master Raikin and handed him the box.

"Do I even want to know what's in there?" you tried to back up more to the wall, but couldn't go any farther. Raikin kneeled down and opened up the box. Your heart skipped a beat. The box was filled with small vials of some sort of thick purple liquid. You squinted at it a bit more and realized that the consistency resembled that of malice. "Is that...?"

"Correct, my dear," he took one of the vials out of the the box. "I must add that this malice is special."

You were about to ask how, but part of you didn't want to know. "That's great. Now... could I get some food or something? Something that isn't malice?"

"Not yet, princess," he took the cork off of the vial. "I still need to show you what this does."

Your eyes averted from the vial then back up at Raikin. You've never wanted to be near Sidon's protective presence more. "C-Can we not?"

"I'm afraid this can't wait any longer, princess," he said, an evil smile surely on his face.

He held the evil vial close to your face and you turned away from it, "Please, I don't want to!"

He didn't say anything and grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. You tried to resist his grip, but you couldn't. The blademaster and Mandy were next to you, making absolute sure that you couldn't move your arms and legs. Master Raikin began to tip the vial towards your mouth and held the tip of the vial to your lips. You refused, keeping your mouth firmly shut.

"Don't resist," Raikin tightened his grip on your chin. "You have no choice."

He tipped the vial more and a small amount of malice grazed your lips. You gasped from the immediate burning sensation, and immediately you regretted reacting. Raikin poured the rest of the malice into your mouth and held your head up, trying to make you swallow it. The pain was unbearable. You felt like everything in your mouth was being burnt to a crisp. You groaned and began to cry. You have never experienced so much pain in your life.

"Don't fight it, princess," Master Raikin lifted your head up higher. "Let it complete its course." Every part of you wanted to rebel against his orders, but you knew that there wasn't much else you could do. You reluctantly swallowed the malice and regretted that decision even more. All the pain the malice brought finally kicked in.

Raikin let go of your chin and stood up. He and his blademasters stepped back and watched as you suffered. You screamed, kicked, cried, yelled for help even though you knew no one would come. Your mouth, your throat, every part of you was filled with an intense burning. Your stomach was aching and you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your vision grew darker and hazy with every second. It was almost like your own soul was being eaten away. Your crying grew more intense as you made the realization: Is this where you die, on the floor, shaking from this horrid pain?

"P-Please..." you groaned, basically gagging at every breath you took. "S-STOP!"

Eventually you couldn't fight off the feeling, and you coughed and puked. Splatters of the malice came out, and then you puked again, but it was much different and invoked much more fear in you. A small spiral of malice came out of your mouth onto the floor, but along with it was a shining bright substance attached to it. You watched as the malice attacked the light, the light laying there helplessly. You watched it until the light was completely destroyed. Once it was destroyed, the majority of the pain in your body finally withered away, although you still felt much of the effects.

You fell to your side, your body weak and aching. Master Raikin walked over to you. You didn't even have the strength to turn your head and look up at him. You just stared forward, marveling at what just happened.

"Thank you for your cooperation, princess," Raikin said passionately. "I'm sure tomorrow's session will be even better." You couldn't even muster the strength to speak. All you could do was watch as the three walked out of your prison.

How are you supposed to survive another vial of that malice? And what was that light? Was it your soul? Is this Raikin's plan to slowly kill you? What about Sidon? Is he even in the hideout? Did they kill him? Is he going to experience what you did?


Raikin, 167, and Mandy wandered through the halls to return back to Raikin's quarters. "So what did you two think of that?" Raikin asked.

167 and Mandy looked at each other, not sure what to say. "Um," 167 began, "it was a bit more gruesome than I imagined."

"Yes," Raikin shrugged, "I think she definitely was being a bit overdramatic though. What about you Mandy?"

"Me?" Mandy began. "Uh... that light that she threw up, was that...?"

"That, my beautiful flower, was the blood of the Goddess," he put his hands behind his back. "The one who wields the sealing powers is the one that has the blood of the Goddess running through their veins. This is what I meant when we were going to sever her connection with the Goddess. Each time ____ drinks one of those vials, the malice is seeking out the Goddess's light within her and destroying it. Of course, it hasn't destroyed all the light inside of her yet."

"What happens when all the light inside her is destroyed?" Mandy asked, a bit curious as to what may come of this.

"I honestly don't know. She may die, she may live. Honestly, I'm fine either way. All that matters is that her connection is completely destroyed so that she can't pass it on to her offspring."

"So if this is how ____ reacted, how will Sidon react?" 167 wondered.

"Oh, you'll see very soon," Raikin hummed. "Mark my words, we will change Hyrule with what we're about to do."

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