Chapter 22: Invitation

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"They have Sidon, and they found a cure to the malice," Mandy explained, taking off her mask in frustration. "We have to do something. I should've never left that fish alone."

"Yes, yes," Raikin paced around the room and adjusted his mask. "We need to act fast. The only reason that Sidon lost was because of those champion descendants, and to be frank, he was right to send you back to me. Those champions are ruthless to us Yiga. They would've torn you into shreds once they could. Those three are powerful warriors, Mandy. They captured Sidon after all, although he did rough them up quite a bit. As of now, they're still healing, regaining their strength. We must do something before then."

"Should I order the Zoras to attack?"

"Yes, but..." Raikin paused and Mandy gave him a confused look. "We order our soldiers to destroy every last bit of that lab at the same time. Destroy anything and everything. Burn all their books and machines. Confiscate any cures and substances they have. That lab is their backbone. Once that's gone, all they'll have left is brute force, which will be no problem for us once we break Sidon out."

Mandy smiled, eager for this plan to unfold, "I'll tell Dorephan immediately." She hugged Raikin and he rubbed up and down her back. "I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've been in the dark for so long." Memories of her childhood swept through her mind. They were all sad memories. She couldn't even remember one happy moment.


"Mandy!" Her father yelled to her from inside.

A young girl, only 14 years old, quickly hurried into the house, fear in her eyes, "Yes, father?"

"Why haven't you tended to the fields?! Those wild berry bushes need pruned or else our whole field will be a wreck!"

"I'm sorry, father!" She hurried to grab a basket and a set of pruners near the back door. "I was taking an important test at school this morning and I didn't have time in the afternoon because—"

"Mandy!" Her mother stomped in through the front door, a letter in her hand. "What is the meaning of this?!" She shook the paper.

"I don't know!" Mandy heavily sighed and walked closer to her mother. "What is it?"

"Your test! This was supposed to determine whether you would make it into the Ancient Research Academy, and you completely failed the whole test! Every single answer wrong! Your father and I paid so much money for you to take that test and give you an opportunity, and this is how you repay us?!"

"Mother, I'm sorry!" Mandy's voice shook, devastated by the news. She desperately wanted to pass the test so that she could leave this stressful life and start anew at Castle Town, but she just couldn't find the time to focus on her studies. "I didn't have time to study because I was doing all the chores father told me to do yesterday! I tried my best, honestly!"

"Then 'your best' is nothing but thin air!" Mandy's father fumed. "I swear I try to teach you about hard work, but nothing gets through your stupid head!"

"Well I'm sorry that I have to finish all the heavy work that you should be doing! You both put too much on me! I cannot do all this time-consuming work then be expected to be a perfect student!"

Her mother gasped, "Don't you dare talk to us that way! Where are your manners, young lady?"

"Maybe I would've learned them if I actually had time to breathe!"

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