Chapter 19: Evil Cravings

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Sidon, Mandy, and a Zora captain hid on Quatta's Shelf. They peered down at the bustling construction of Gopanga Village, watching every villager's movement and routine.

"Prince Sidon, the troops are ready whenever you are," the Zora captain saluted.

"Good, but don't strike yet," Sidon squinted and his focus landed on a specific individual: a Hylian captain. "Remember, the point of this is to destroy the village. Tens of thousands of rupees have been put into making this village happen. If we destroy it, that's just more money they lose."

"Aw, we're not gonna' kill anyone?" Mandy whined. "I was hoping to kill some unsuspecting souls."

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but for now only kill when it is necessary. Our first goal is to exhaust their money and resources."

"Prince Sidon!" Another Zora captain rushed up to them. Sidon turned towards him, curious of the captain's urgency. "We've just spotted more Hylian troops coming towards the village. Should we send the troops to fight them?"

"Hmm, I guess you're right, Mandy. Killing is on the list of things to do today," Sidon smirked at her and her face lit up. "Continue with the plan as normal. Mandy and I will make sure that those reinforcements go no further." Sidon took one more glance down at the village and took out his tridents. "Move out."

The captains rushed to their troops and Sidon looked towards the hills of Crenel Peak. There did seem to be a big group of Hylain troops, but they would be no match for highly skilled warriors like themselves.

Mandy took out her dual blades and looked eagerly to the morning horizon, "Oh, I've been dying to spark fear into those Hylia-loyalists. It's been a long time." She now looked longingly at her blades.

Sidon evilly smiled, the malice craving to start chaos. "Let's go." The two rushed down the hillside. To their right they could see the Zora troops charging forward as well.


One of the Hylain soldiers charged to Sidon, "You will pay for thi—" Sidon sharply protruded his trident forward and the prongs dug deep into the soldier's chest. The prince pulled away and watched as the blood dripped down his trident and the soldier fall to his death.

Mandy slashed her blades along a line of soldiers, killing some, but badly wounding others. Sidon backed up to her and created a wave around them that sent many of the soldiers flying. However, the final one standing was the Hylian captain.

"I always had hope that one day the Zoras would heal and fix their relationship with us," the captain said through gritted teeth, "but I should've known all along that it was all just wishful thinking. In reality, you Zoras are monsters!" The captain rushed towards the two, and Sidon and Mandy simply looked at each other.

"Do you want to do the honors?" Mandy asked, her blades prepped and ready.

"Why are you even asking?" Sidon made a force of water push the captain towards them faster. The Zora Prince locked his tridents into place, crossing in front of him. Slice!

Sidon and Mandy began walking to the village. Buildings were burning, villagers were running, every resource that could be found was being stolen or destroyed. It was a traumatizing site, but for Sidon it was a joy—or at least a joy to part of him. He couldn't look away. He couldn't help but smile.


"Ugh, I need to figure this out!" You folded your arms and sat down at one of the chairs surrounding the big meeting table.

"____, you'll figure it out," Zelda rubbed up and down your back. "I had trouble too."

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better," you said sarcastically.

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