Chapter 8: Sidon's Grace

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You were right, and Sidon always knew it. Well, he knew it ever since his sweet sister died. He just rejected the truth because he was angry. Angry that such an innocent, selfless being suffered such a brutal death. The problem is that while Sidon always knew the truth, his people did not; not even his own father completely knew the truth. None of them knew what Sidon did about Mipha. It was the fact that Mipha took her position as champion knowing full well that she would die.

Her sweet voice still swept through his mind, "Sweet Sidon. Should fate ever part us. I'm counting on you to protect our beloved home from harm. Understood?"

Mipha told Sidon that on the same day Dorephan made her promise that she would return from the Calamity unscathed. Sidon didn't fully comprehend it then, but he's had more than a hundred years to rethink back to that time, and he's had more than a hundred years to explain to his people what Mipha told him. Sidon should've told his people what his valiant sister said, but he couldn't. He wanted to blame someone. He wanted to blame everyone. He did not want to believe that Mipha stepped onto the battlefield on her own accord.

Sidon had to accept the truth. Mipha, and all the other champions, died because of Ganon. All the tension between the Zoras and Hylians have been because of the Zoras blaming the Hylians for Mipha's loss. The Zoras are the ones holding the grudges. The Hylians, especially Link and Zelda, are trying to fix the relationship. The Zora and Hylian relationship completely broke once you were kidnapped, but it can be fixed if you and Sidon worked together. So, now Sidon had to make a big decision: should he take you back home and ignore his people's wishes?

Really, the answer was simple.


Sidon stood at the peak of Mount Floria, waiting for you to finish climbing up the last bit of the mountain. He stared up at the night sky and breathed deeply, mentally preparing himself for possibly one of the biggest decisions of his life.

"Ugh," you squirmed yourself up one of the ledges. "Why... did you... literally have... to choose... the most annoying... treacherous... route!" You finally reached the top and collapsed onto your knees at his side.

"Hey," Sidon looked down at you, "did you really mean what you said last night?"

"I said a lot of things, princey. You're gonna' have to be more specific."

"About bringing you back home. You wouldn't tell your family the whole truth if you returned?"

In a split second a tumble of emotions flooded through you. His genuine voice confused your skeptical mind. "Yes, I meant it. I'd do anything to be back home with my family."

"You'd make sure that they won't declare war on us?"

"Yes, I'd make absolute sure," you nodded your head quickly.

Sidon took a deep breath, his caramel-yellow eyes seemed to glisten, "Then I'll take you back home."

Home. Going home? The man who pledged to his people to take you to the Yiga has decided to take you home? "Are you being serious right now? How do I know that you aren't just lying to make me cooperate more?"

Sidon took his tridents from his back and dropped them on the ground. He then bowed his head and kneeled, a gesture that most knights do. You sat there stunned, not even sure if this was real. "You were right, ____. You were right about everything."

Misguided Nobility || Sidon x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now