Chapter 16: Dear Brother

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The heat from the morning sun beat down on you. Your worn boots sunk into the sand with each step you took. Your throat was dry, and you wanted nothing more than to just collapse on the ground. If that malice hadn't been in you, this would all be very different. Your stamina would be perfect and your mind would be able to think clearly, but obviously that wasn't the case. Your body was in survival mode, and your mind would think of everything and nothing all at once.

Palm trees, tents, and a big rock sculpture came into view. Seeing this reminded you of where you were even trying to go, since your mind was just foggy and scattered. You were heading to Kara Kara Bazaar for help. You would most definitely not make it all the way home by yourself, and you would need someone to spread the word that you were found.

As you continued to trudge through the sand, you noticed some sort of bump in the sand moving. At first it was just moving in circles, but then it began coming towards you. You were puzzled for a moment, but then remembered about the electric lizalfos. You pushed forward as hard as you could and tried to run away from it, but you were barely even running. Walking was already hard enough.

"Help!" You weakly called out. "There's a monster!" The lizalfo finally jumped out and slammed its spear down. You were barely able to dodge it, but you slipped in the sand onto your knees. "Help!!"

"Don't worry miss, I'm coming!" You heard a low female voice come from in front of you. You looked to see a Gerudo solider running towards the lizalfo. She bursted forward and stabbed the monster with her own spear. The monster pulled away and simply squealed and scampered off. "Miss, are you okay?" She kneeled down in front of you.

You took several gulps of air before speaking, "No, I'm not."

"You don't look good at all. Have you slept? Have you eaten? When was the last time you drank? Are you hurt?"

"...I feel like I'm barely hanging on," you tried to stand up, but didn't even have the energy to move a muscle. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she helped you stand up and hobble back over to the Bazaar. Once you both made it there, the soldier took you to the medic.

The nurse had you sit down on a chair and handed you a cup of water. You chugged it down in seconds. It was beyond relieving to have something that refreshing down your throat, especially with what happened to you the past two days.

You gave the cup back to the nurse and she handed it to the solider "Get her another," the nurse instructed. The soldier nodded and hurried to grab you another drink. The nurse then gave you some small snacks and gave you some medicine that almost immediately helped to relieve some of the pain you were feeling. "You've been through the ringer. What happened? Monsters?"

"The Yiga," you said, disgust in your voice.

"Those hooligans! They're always causing trouble. Well, it's okay dear, you're safe here." She grabbed a paper out of a drawer and began to write on it. "Can I get your name, dear? It's for records."

"Uh, ____," you nodded.

The nurse looked up at you, her eyes wide. "Princess ____?!"

"I'm sorry, I should've said something sooner."

"Honey, don't you dare be sorry! If anything, I'm ecstatic!" The nurse began to write even more frantically. "Three days ago it was announced that you were dead."

"Dead?" How could you have been determined to be dead if they didn't find your body, you thought.

"Yes, and it was thought to be the Zoras' fault. In fact, it is also believed that Prince Sidon is dead as well. The Zoras believe that the Hylians must've killed him. There's a war between them now. Hylian groups are purposely messing with Zora territory, Zora groups are purposely messing with Hylian territory. Violent protests have already begun. It's all just sabotaging that is just turning into a bloody mess. One thing I can say, I don't want us Gerudo having any part in it!"

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