{Ch. 1} Arrival

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The bus shook traveling on the gravel road out in the middle of no where. The atmosphere was morbidly hot and sweaty, you having to grab your collar and fan out your shirt now and then as sweat trickled down your skin constantly from such weather. Everyone there was extremely loud over the buses engine, the females giggling and socializing as did the males, attempting to flirt. 

It worked for a few, but most not so well.

You didn't want to be there what-so-ever, but hey, it's not like you could complain about it and all your problems would magically disappear. No, you had to face it head on. You had to complete the challenges and tasks that were to be set ahead in the now present and future. 

Approximately thirty-seven miles northeast of Barstow, California in the High Mojave Desert was Fort Irwin, a massive military base that trained and deployed thousands of soldiers from all branches overseas on a twenty-one day rotation if prepared. 

The bus came to a small jerking stop, the driver pushing a latch down to open the glass doors. They opened with a squeaky creak, everyone on the bus coming to a stand as did you. You walked down the aisle and stepped off the bus, a latch from the side of the vehicle being opened. A whole bunch of ruck bags spilled out making people hurry and fish for theirs. 

You went over and reach from the ruck bag with your name on it, an elbow hitting you right in the left breast. You winc  but keep yourself from yelping and quickly grab your bag from the pile. You adjust the strap onto your shoulders and walk up to the recruiting officer at the table. He had a simple clipboard and a box of keys. 

He appeared to be grumbling something under his breath, a cigarette hanging from his mouth and a cap over his eyes for shade. 

"Excuse me." You cleared your throat softly, tapping at the table. The officer immediately looked up, a scowl on his face making you flinch slightly. 

"What's your first and last name?" He asked, voice gruff and scratchy.

"Amara Smith, sir." You said. He held the clipboard, his eyes scanning the list and turning over another sheet of paper. 

"Ah, Smith. Building 604 for the barracks in the multi-complex apartments, apartment 105." He tossed you a key to which you barely caught. "Don't lose it either."

"Thank you, sir." You turned your heel and began walking to the multi-complex barrack buildings. You walked up to the second floor and found apartment 105. You inserted the key and turned the knob, opening the door. Expecting more heat to hit you in the face, instead came cool air condition to which you were thankful for. 

You shut the door and took off your boots, dragging your feet behind you. Seeing past the living room, kitchen and the fact that there were two bedrooms already spoke that you had a roommate. It wasn't a bad thing, it's just that you wondered what they'd be like once they come home and see you here.

You looked to the lonely but somewhat filled room to your left and went in, slipping your heavy ass ruck bag off your shoulders. You unzipped the bag and started unpacking your stuff. You put the folded clothes you had neatly into your drawers, your electronics on your desk, and your special trinket on the nightstand next to your bed. 

After assembling all your stuff in the new territory, you grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and rushed into the bathroom. You stripped of your sweaty clothes and turned on the shower, hopping in quickly as the cold droplets patted softly against your skin.

You washed yourself with the honeycomb bodywash you had brought along, dirt slipping off your skin and down the drain. For the first time in forever, it actually felt good to take a cold shower! Ha, wouldn't you know.

Afterwards, you dried off and moisturized your skin just before putting on undergarments, a tank top, and some shorts. Stepping out with your dirty clothes you went over to the wash room and opened the washer,  dropping the clothes in and poured a little detergant in and closed it. You turn the wash to cold neutral rinse cycle and press the start button, swishes of water already being heard as you close the wash room door behind you.

You sat on the couch, pushing your back up against the comfortable fabric, a content sigh leaving past your lips. Out of the blinds window, a shadow figure passed making you immediately jolt from your spot. You heard their steps stop at the front door, the clinking of keys and the turning of a knob. The door opened to reveal a female who seemed to be a tad bit older, probably in her late twenties. 

She wore her army fitness outfit, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, a stench of days training reaking off her body. 

She noticed the boots you had left neatly beside the door and looked across where you were. You simpered a smile and sheepishly waved. "Hi." 

The woman grumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes, darting her attention somewhere else. You watched as she stomped down the hallway and slammed the bathroom door shut behind her. You jumped at the sound, already having a bad feeling about this.

Thirty minutes later, she had come out in similar attire to yours and a face towel around her neck. She sat down beside you, silence between the two of you until she spoke up. 

"So, you're new, huh? What's your name?" 

"Amara. Yours?" 

"Daisy. Sorry for acting the way I did earlier, just was pissed off at my drill sergeant. Although, I think that monster could care less." She scoffed. 

"It's okay, you were just angry. But, if I may ask... Our Command Sergeant Major is a monster?" You asked, cocking a brow. 

"Yep, a real asshole too. Doesn't show mercy regardless the race or gender." Daisy sighed out in frustration, combing a hand through her brown wavy hair. "So, be prepared tomorrow morning. Training always starts early, ends in the late afternoons, and then some."

"Is it... that bad?" 

Daisy snapped her blue eyes to you making you flinch.

"Hell yeah it is! Do you know how many things you have to do out there, all in that hot ass sun?! You think 91 degrees is hot, heh, baby, wait till it reaches 112 on some days. It's like being inside a hot ass oven. There's no shade, just heat. Not to mention the nights are freezing." Daisy explained. 

"Oh." Was all you said. 

"By the way since new recruits have come and you're all newbies, Sergeant Serif definitely won't take it easy on you, not even the first day. He'll push you too your limits, regardless." 

You swallowed a dry lump in your throat, anxiety thumping at your chest. 

Well, this ten-week training was going to be one of hell of a ride.

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now