{Ch. 8} Toleration

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You scribbled in your sketchbook, sounds of childrens laughter on the playground from across the bench you sat on.

Even though it was quite late, the sun had not set, leaving the sky a warm tropical orange. The temperature wasn't humid as usual, but settled and breezy. 

Atmosphere-wise, it was peaceful, way better than what was going on back at your apartment.

You drew sketches of fictional or made up cartoons to realistic people, ones around you in your everyday life and from the past. When your drawing, time seems to stand still at most but speeds up once you're done.

"Do you mind if I sit here, my child?" A sweet motherly voice asked.

You looked up from your sketchbook to see a goat woman. She wore a dark purple dress with a deltarune emblem. Her seal brown eyes held a gentleness to them, ones that reminded you of your mothers. Gosh how you missed her, if only she hadn't of.... Forget it, it doesn't matter right now.

"Of course I don't mind! Go ahead, I don't bite." You smiled, scooting over. The lady said a small "thank you" and sat down.

"So, which one's yours?"

You found yourself choking on your spit, blood rising in your cheeks.

"Oh!—uh— I don't have any kids." You laughed nervously. "I'm just here to relax."

"Ah, well, this park is one of the most peaceful places on base." She sighed. "I wish I could've taken my children here when they were  younger, they would've loved this."

"So, they're adults now?" You inquired.

"Yes, they are. Quite the over achievers yet so distant and dreary nowadays. It's been awhile since I've seen any of them."

"People change overtime whether it's for the best or worst, but that doesn't mean they stop loving you. I'm sure they're just busy and are waiting for the right time to contact you." You reassured with a smile.

The goat lady mirrored your actions, feeling better about her problem.

"Thank you, my child. That was something I really needed to hear." She smiled.

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"Please, call me Toriel." She held out her paw which you took instantly without a doubt.

"Amara." You beamed happily, shaking her paw. Her fur was certainly soft and warm for that matter, touch soothing that of a mother's.

Toriel noticed your sketchbook and giggled.
"You seem to love drawing I see."

"Huh? Oh, um, it's just a hobby." You chuckled, cheeks feeling warm in embarrassment.

"May I?" She asked. You sheepishly nodded and handed her the sketchbook to which she took gently out of your hands. You watched as she flipped through the pages, fascination and amazement filling her features. "These are all absolutely beautiful! Have you ever thought about being an artist?"

Toriel handed you back your sketchbook, you closed it and shook your head.

"No, not really. I enjoy drawing, but it's not something I want to partake in a career."

"Oh, I understand. My apologies."

"There's no need to apologize, in fact, thank you for the suggestion! Selling my art could be a side hustle for me." You chuckled. Your phone buzzed in your pocket making you jump. "Heh. Sorry, I've gotta take this real quick."

"Go ahead, I don't mind." Toriel said.

You unlocked your phone with the four digit code and slid the accept call button up, putting your phone up to your ear.

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now