{Ch. 10} Hate

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Okay, don't get me wrong, but he hates you. I mean, just look at his face, he absolutely loathes you!  

Ever since confirming the friends with his brother situation, Sans or Command Sergeant Major Serif, hasn't taken anything upon you lightly.

Basic training felt more like hell to you than it was for others. Carrying an eighty pound ruck bag on your back was not easy running fifteen miles in a full out geared army uniform with no intentions of stopping to catch your breath. And almost, just almost, you fell behind. If it hadn't been for Brandons encouragement, you wouldn't have sought to go any further.

The simulated battlefield experience after the warm up left the whole class terrified and shaken up, not to mention completely out of breath. Although it was just a physical training simulation on a dry terrain of land with abandoned scuffed up and torn down buildings, the gun shots from the explosive bombs all felt real which scared the living shit out of you all.

However, you surprisingly overcame that fear of the drastics noises, tuning them out as you pointed your gun each and every direction known to your surroundings. It felt as if you were playing a deadly game of hide and seek or laser tag, except someone would have to die if they got caught. You lurked, treading the heavy steps of your boots lightly in concentrated silence, left eye squinted through the lens of your rifle.

The adrenaline you felt was undeniable, almost thrilling. You having a sense of right mind knew it was wrong to feel this way, but couldn't help the strange sensation it gave you. It made you feel fearless, powerful, like... You were in control.

Although, in the end, your feet and back got the short end of the stick. Your feet burned with each step you took in those boots, creating painful blisters on the back of your heels. You were twenty-two, but according to the way your back felt, you were ninety-seven. So yeah, not so much of luck there.

Anyways, Papy had invited you over to his house that he shares with his brother to have game night with friends. And of course, despite your fear of Serif, you said yes. Why? Because you're an idiot that needs social interaction. You're also doing this for Papyrus because he's a big ole sweetheart!

He texted you the address and you called an Lyft (surprisingly they had those vehicles in a dry ass desert) to get there. Once you had arrived, Papyrus welcomed you into his home with open arms to which you gladly returned with a hug. You walked to the living to see everyone gathered around the table playing battleships.

"Ha! B-four, that's another one of your ships taken down, Undyne! Lose two more and you're out!" Frisk bragged confidently. Undyne groaned, dragging her hands down her face.

"This game is dumb! Real life battle ships are so much easier than this!"

"The game's not dumb, you're small brain's just not able to comprehend the simple rules." Chara commented bluntly, making Undyne shake with rage.

"Why you little— brat!" She lunged over the table at Chara, the two wrestling back to back. Your right eye twitched at the scene, an uncomfortableness washing over you.

"G-guys don't fight!" Alphys stuttered. Asriel raised his phone slowly, trying to act normal. "A-asriel, are you seriously recording this mess?!"

"No, I would never!" He gasped dramatically, pressing the record button.

"Um... Is this normal?" You whispered, leaning over to Papyrus. You both stood at the doorway watching the ridiculous outplay in front of you.

"Most of the time... Yes, yes it is. It's sad I know." He sighed. He cleared his throat, gaining the young adults attention. "Undyne, Chara, that's quite enough."

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now