{Ch. 16} Approaching Causes

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"Hey. Wake up."

A finger poked at your arm, nudging you awake. "Hm?" You rub the sleep from your eyes and blink a couple of times, adjusting to the bright light. 

"Come on, we gotta go get our stuff! We're here!" Brandon excited, completely full of energy.

You got up from your seat groggily, still becoming accustomed to your surroundings. You took your luggage from its compartment and halled your rucksack over your shoulder. It didn't take long for everyone to get off and exit the airport, military vans waiting to take new soldiers to their new home.

Camp Taji Joint Operations Base. 

It was night frankly so there wasn't much to see besides the dark blue sky, buildings behind barbed wire fence gates, and dry terrain that extended out acres of land. It didn't seem much different from Fort Irwin except the air was definitely fresher and breathable.

Now that you think of it.... minus the fresh air... It kind of sounds like a prison. 

Let's not think about that.

It was at least a thirty minute drive before you got to the housing units. Some dragged their baggage behind them with a drag in their step while others happily skipped or even raced along one another to get to the doors first. Brandon was one of them.

You flinched at the click of the van door shutting behind you, that familiar deep voice calling your last name. 

"Smith, what's with the slow pace? Pick it up. You're not losing it just yet are ya'?" He asked.

You shook your head in response. "No sir, I'm just taking in my surroundings, that's all." 

"Good. Make sure to keep up. Over here you're never safe. They do bomb the base sometimes, in or not too far out, so be alert and cautious at all times." He warned. 

You nod in reply and join the rest of your peers. You're quickly assigned to your room and you head inside where a displeased female sergeant comes forth.

"Here's you're room key. You have three roommates, make it work." She grunted.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." You watch her walk past you, looking back to notice a limp in her step. You sigh and unlock your door to no surprise of three women in pajamas getting their stuff assorted on their bunk beds and claiming their territory.

Their back to back bicker you know is going to drive you insane but you won't complain. You step into the room, making the three females instantly pause and turn to you.

You raise your hand midway of your chest and wave with a sheepish smile. "Um... Hi."

A female with curly black hair under a pink headscarf, light green hazel eyes, and pecan brown skin jumps from in between the two girls and puts her hand out to you with a smile. You shake her hand gladly.

"Hi, my name's Lola! Welcome to your new home!"

"Thanks, the pleasure's all mine."

"The top bunks have been taken by Ruby, the ginger, and Lexi, the dark brunette. The bottom bunk on the right is mine so you can sleep on the left bottom bunk."

You nod and move over to the empty bunk, putting your rucksack on top and your suitcase underneath.

You take off your boots and sit on the edge of your premade bed. "So, what bases did you guys come from?" You asked.

"Camp Dawson, West Virginia." Lola replied.

Ruby sighed. "Fort Hamilton, New York."

With a sigh, Lexi laid down on her bunk, hands behind her head. "Detroit Arsenal, Michigan."

"Cool, so what brings you all here?"

"Signing up as a volunteer for the war obviously, what else?"

"Good point." You chuckled.

"This war—whenever we're set in position—not everyone's going to make it." Ruby said, bringing down the harsh reality of the factor. "In a place like this, danger practically lurks around every corner. No one's safe, not even now. We could get bombed right now by the enemy."

"Okay! Thanks for this insight on things, Ruby! We'll sure be sleepin' peaceful tonight!" Lola beamed sarcastically.

"Yeah, that was real reassuring, Ruby." Lexi scoffed.

"Just sayin'." Ruby mumbled.

You felt yourself sulk into your bed, anxiety suddenly emerging from the darkest corners of your mind. You put your head in your hands with a sigh, shaking your head.

"Hey, Amara."

You look up from your hands at Lola who gave you a soft smile.

"Don't worry about Ruby, she's a pessimist. I know it's hard taking this all in, but we'll get through it together. Go get yourself cleaned up and get some sleep all right? That's all you can do right now."

"Right... Thanks, Lola."

Lola nodded and got under the covers, turning to the wall in drifting slumber.

You get up from your bed and pull your suitcase from under your bed. Taking your hygiene tools, pajamas, and undergarments from your suitcase, you head into the bathroom.

Setting your stuff down, you ran a shower. When the water hit your skin, you sigh in bliss at the hot temperature as you lathered your body with sudsy soap. You were definitely going to miss this. Fifteen minutes later, you pulled back the curtain and wrapped a towel around yourself. Afterwards, you moisturized your skin then threw on your pajamas, washed your face, and brushed your teeth. 

As you stepped out of the bathroom, you turn off the light to not disturb your sleeping roommates. Before you can make your way to your bed, a soft knock catches your attention to the way of the front door. You walk over and turn the knob, opening the door a crevice way open to a chest. You look up to meet the G's pinpricks, suddenly feeling the need to hide yourself behind the door. 

"Let me guess, you're here to tell me goodnight?" You implied, blood slowly rising in your cheeks. 

G scratched the back of his skull, averting his gaze for a moment before bringing it back to yours. "Uhh... You could put it that way, sort of. Anyways, how are you holdin' up?" He asked. 

"Okay I guess, my roommates are actually quite nice. Although I have to say Lola is my favorite one so far." You whispered. "How are you?"

"Wonderful really. I have a room all to myself." He bragged quietly with a lazy, self indulgent smirk.

"Then does that mean I can visit you like you do me?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. 

"That's a bit too risky don't cha' think?" 

"And, don't you think it's risky visiting me when I have three roommates?" You countered, pointing behind you to the sleeping females. 

He sighed, putting a hand on the back of his neck. "Good point. Alright, my room number is three-zero-eight. Don't forget it and don't get caught."

"Roger that, sir." You smiled, winking while pointing finger guns at him.

G paused, a yellow hue slowly dusting his cheekbones despite his hard exterior. "Don't do that, it's stupid."

"If you say so, bud." You chuckled. 

"Mhm. Goodnight, Smith." He waved you off with the turn of his heel and you peeked your head out the door, watching as he walked down the hallway now realizing he was in his pajamas. 

You felt your face heat up without caution, throat dry as you gulped the little saliva you had. "Night, Serif."

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now