{Ch. 4} Night and Shining Bones

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It was finally Friday. Thank God. You, Daisy, Sarah, and Natasha were all singing songs in the car as you drove to the club. 

You were pretty much hyped to let loose and have fun ever since getting here two weeks ago. It might've been too early to party, but fuck who cares? Not you, that's for sure. Although Serif told you to take an advantage in the opportunities given to you, you were taking them... Just,  not in the way anyone would imagine unless they were you. 

You had been forced to be stuck up and quiet all your life, why not spice things up? You had the right, you were an adult after all. 

Natasha's car had come to a stop in the parking lot, the cars engine turning off and key taken out of the ignition. She turned her body to the back where you and Sarah sat in the passenger seats. "You guys ready?" She asked excitedly. A wide smile came onto the both of your lips. 

"Hell yeah we are!" You both yelled, pumping a fist up in the air. 

"Let's go then girls!" Daisy cheered. You unbuckled your seatbelt and put your hand on the door handle, applying pressure against it to push it forward. You step out slowly, being careful not to slide your above the knee dress up too much. Daisy had chosen it out for you since you had no dresses of the sort. It was a skin tight burgundy red party dress that hid no curves known to your body. 

You had second thoughts about the dress wondering if it would cause you problems later on, but you chose not to complain or voice your opinion because you didn't want to ruin girls night before it could begin. 

Approaching the club doors, lines of people who were waiting to enter the club were all stopped by bodyguards and a red pole rope that they couldn't pass. Natasha, Daisy, Sarah, and you all had reserved VIPS cards, so you didn't have to wait in a long line and were able to enter the club. 

One bodyguard unclipped the red rope and allowed the four of you to enter, you murmuring a thank you as you passed through the doors. 

The first thing that hit you was the sound, the loud party music echoing throughout the room. It overwhelmed your ears causing you to wince internally. Men and women were on the dance floor, dancing and grinding against each other. Your face flushed at the sight, not used to such imagery. You turned your vision up ahead, following your friends to the bar. 

You sat down on the stool, one leg angled over the other. Since you didn't know what alcoholic beverage to order, Daisy insisted you get a Negroni as a starter, so you agreed. To be honest, you weren't familiar with alcohol. Although your father had drunk gin, you knew never to put such a drink to your lips.

You took a sip of the cocktail drink, the taste bitter sweet. It was a sweet version of the aromitized and fortified wine with a light orange reddish color, served in a rocks glass with ice and a curled orange peel on top. The cold liquid slid down your throat, a slight warm buzz kicking into your system after a few minutes. 

While the girls talked to the guys that approached them, you stayed silent taking small sips of your drink not knowing what much else to do than observe. Daisy nudged you playfully, wiggling her eyebrows. You cocked a brow at her in confusion. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked. 

"I think someone has there eyes on you girly." She cooed, pointing behind you. "You should go talk to him." 

You turned your stool around to see a handsome young man with brunette hair and green piercing eyes, looking right at you. 

"Um.... I'd rather not." You awkwardly smiled, averting your eyes somewhere else. I mean, did he have to make it so obvious he was staring? 

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