{Ch. 3} Mrs. Daddy Issues

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Everyone that day was required to wear their fitness uniforms, perfect for the obstacles ahead. 

You felt energized.... At first. Having to do the course with your least favorite person wasn't easy. When going over the fifty foot monkey bars that were over a swamp of nothing but mud below, what happened? Brandon fucked one over on you and you nearly lost your grip of the bars. Of course if a saint hadn't of saved you, that being Daisy because she's like your best friend now, you would have fallen to a dirty demise. 

So, just to return the favor when another obstacle came around, you did the exact same thing.  The rock wall. You had  gear and a harness, but had to use bear leg and arm strength with nothing but hot hard sand awaiting you if you slipped too far. You and Brandon were climbing together over the wall faster than others in a head to head competition. Brandon bumped into you to knock you off balance but you held on strongly and took your right leg off one of the rocks and kicked his side with your boot as hard as you could.

He choked back a gasp of air and lifted his left leg to kick you and arm to swing. Luckily, you dodged both and kicked him back with more force making him let go of the other two small gripping rocks. He fell back and toppled over the sand dune below, smacking face forward. 

Hearing the impact, you winced slightly before bursting out into laughter and turning back around up to the wall that was ahead. A few rocks later and you made it to the top, bringing the back of your hand to wipe the sweat off your brow. You gripped onto your rope and slide down, your feet meeting the ground again. You unlatched the hook from your harness and removed your helmet.

"Where's your partner?" Serif asked. You turned your heel to meet his pinpricks, a small smile on your lips as you shrugged. 

"Um... On the other side?" You chuckled. Serif gave you a frown in disapproval, arms firmly crossed as usual. 

"You don't leave a soldier behind, ever. Go back and get him." He demanded. Your jaw dropped in disbelief, a brow cocked before furrowing. He was kidding, right? He seriously wanted you to do that? Go back and get Brandon because he was your "partner"?  Yeah right. 

You stood still, blinking constantly. "B-but." Serif leaned down to your height, stature presenting itself as intimidating. It worked. 

"Go back and get your partner, that's an order, soldier." He repeated lowly. 

"Y-yes, sir." You stutter, beads of sweat rolling down your face. You took a step back and turned your heel immediately grabbing your equipment and putting it back on. You climbed awfully fast up the wall and went over to see Brandon still struggling to get up. You heavily sigh under your breath with a groan and move down, extending your hand out to him. "Give me your hand!" 

Brandon looked at you with narrowed eyes. "I don't trust you." 

"Look, I don't give a crap if you don't trust me! I can't pass over to the next course unless your there with me because we have to "stick together," now grab my hand damn it!" You shouted. Brandom hesitated but then took your hand, allowing you to pull him up. Both of you pant in exhaustion after finally reaching the top, Brandon giving you a look. 

"Thanks." He breathes. You give him a flashing grin and shake your head. 

"Don't thank me yet. Now, let's get down from here and go to the next course... Together."


After taking a shower in the womens barracks, you left in a fresh new uniform along with Daisy. 

"So, where are we going next?" You asked, sliding your hands in your pockets. Daisy turned to you with a grin. 

"Why the cafeteria of course, we have to eat y'know. Aren't you hungry?" 

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now