{Ch. 9} Vice Versa

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Today was going to be awesome, you knew that for sure.

Because the weather was never below eight-six degrees in Fort Irwin during the spring or summer, light clothing was the best to wear if not in a military uniform. So, you wore a simple quirky artsy t-shirt and denim blue shorts with converse high top sneakers. To hold your necessary belongings such as your phone, keys, and wallet, you wore a small beige crossbody purse.

You were most definitely prepared and ready to leave for an epic day at the mall. You hadn't been to such eventful places in so long, it was almost unfamiliar. Although you were twenty-two, a young adult, you hadn't had much fun in your life because of the expectations put on you by your father.

Now that he wasn't here knowing your every move, you could do things the way you wanted... Right?

Your phone suddenly buzzed in your purse interrupting your crude thoughts. You opened the flap and reached in to grab it out. You typed in your four digit code and checked your text messages.

Papyrus: I've just arrived at your apartment building.

You: Okay, I'm coming down 👇

You put your phone back in your purse and got off the couch heading to the door. You turned the knob and unlocked it, walking through the door and closed it behind you. You made sure the lock was secure and turned your heel to the stairs.

Once on the pavement, you looked in confusion to the crowded parking lot, not knowing which one was Papyrus'. A honk was heard to your left immediately catching your attention.

It was a clean white Lamborghini Aventador, the passenger door lifting up making your jaw drop.

"Are you coming?" Papyrus mouthed. You nodded quickly, feet moving on their own. You grab the inside of the door handle and bring it down with you as you sit your behind in the leather red burgundy seat.

You pulled your seat belt over your chest, eyes wandering the luxurious sports vehicle.

"You actually drive this?! This is awesome!" You beamed, turning to meet his gaze. Papyrus chuckles with a nod.

"Yep. All day, everyday. My brother has one just like this, but it's black and has a bit more advanced features than mine."

"Then is your brother, Sans, coming to meet with us and your friends then?" You asked.

"Yes, just later on of course. He's busy or rather likes to keep himself that way." Papyrus answered honestly, calm expression faltering. You noticed, head tilted slightly with concern. "Anyways, enough about my brother, let's get going."

No more than twenty minutes later did you arrive at the mall. You and Papyrus got out of the car and shut the doors, him locking the vehicle after with his car keys before putting it in his pocket. The both of you walked from the parking lot and into the malls open area.

A ding sound came from his pocket making Papyrus aware and quickly take it out. He checked his message, you distracted with your surroundings not enough to pay attention.

Papyrus shut off his phone and stuck it back in his pocket.

"We're meeting them at the food court." He communicated, pointing to the escalator.

"Fine with me! I could really use a cotton candy milkshake right now!" You cheered, Papyrus chuckling at your excitement. "Well come on, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

You quickly took him by the hand, rushing him to the moving staircase. It had only been a week and a half since the two of you had met... He barely knew anything about you and yet, he already came to adore you in such a short amount of time.

"Not so easy now, is it soldier?" (Military G! Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now