{Ch. 17} Honesty is Not Always the Best Policy

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After a few days of being on patrol with a few of your peers, you finally get the time to go visit G's room when the halls were empty. 

You take a deep breath and knock on his door, waiting in resounding silence. You hear shuffling then the sound of boots coming toward the door, the turn of the knob opening the door. 

"Well, you're quick to respond, aren't you?" He hummed lazily, leaning against the doorway. He was in new clothes wearing a dark grey t-shirt with black army pants and his regular combat boots, a silver tag chain hanging from his neck.

"Well yeah, it's obvious you want me around." You smirked, putting a hand on your hip.

G chuckles and moves aside, opening the door to let you in. "Come on in then." 

You gladly step inside and look around as the door closes behind you. "Looks like my room, but more spacious, less people, and fewer objects." 


"If you don't mind me asking, what was your childhood like?" You asked, turning to him. 

"Childhood, huh? Why do you ask?" G walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. 

"I don't know, just curious." You shrugged, plopping yourself on the floor across from him. 

"I'll tell you if you sit up here beside me instead of on that cold floor." He said, patting the spot next to him. 

A blood rises in your cheeks and you shake your head in refusal. "No, it's okay. I'm fine sitting right here."  Sitting on a male's bed... You wouldn't want to make it awkward. 

"Don't be so modest, Smith. I don't mind." 

"Um... I really am okay down here..." You hesitated, averting your eyes sheepishly. 

He tilted his head, a small smirk forming on his lips. "What? Afraid I'll do something dirty to ya'?" 

"What?! No! Last time I had the wrong idea, you told me—" You frowned, face flustered in shame. You decide to skip that part and continue. "I know you're someone who favors personal space, so I was just taking precautions."

"If I invited you into my room, do you really think I would want ya' to keep your distance like this? Do you think that I find you repulsive?" G notices your hesitation to respond as you fiddle with end of your oversized jacket, pulling it down over your lap uncomfortably. "I'm not repulsed by you, Smith. Never have been."

"I know..."

"Come 'ere." He beckoned softly. Although you wanted to wallow in shame away from his pinpricks, your body listens to his command and before you knew it, you sit beside him. He gently pinches your chin between his index phalange and thumb, turning your head up to his gaze. "Why do cover yourself up?"

"What are you talking about?" You questioned, pretending not to know. A bead of sweat rolls down your face, eyes looking elsewhere.

"Look at me." You meet his gaze out of instinct. "Why?" 

What were you to tell him? You didn't like the way your body looked? You were insecure? Self conscious? 

"I—I just don't feel comfortable with..."

"Your body?"

You turn your head from him and sigh. "Yeah.. that." 

"What if I told you that's not how I see it? Would you believe me?" He asked.

"I'd be a fool either way." You said, getting up from the bed. G grabbed your wrist, pulling you back. You lose your balance and land back down on the mattress, opening your eyes to his build over you. His arms were barred at the sides of your head, hard expression making you nervous. 

"You didn't let me finish." He countered. 

A smoky scent with a hint of liquor fills your nose. Uh-oh. Was he drunk?  When did he get the chance to drink? And why didn't you notice before?

Your throat feels dry, gulping the little saliva you had. His phalanges pinch the zipper of your jacket and drags it down your body. "H-hey! What are you doing?!" You flinch, face set aflame as you feel his hands rub over your curves. He wasn't supposed to be touching you like this and yet, you kind of wanted him to.

His lazy pinpricks appeared lustful, a yellow translucent tongue licking over his lips. "What you might see as trash, might be seen as someone else's treasure. And your body... Is certainly not trash, Amara." 


A phalange was put to your lips. "Nope, no protests. Just listen, Angel." 

The tint in your cheeks darken at the new nickname, heart thumping at your chest. "Aren't you supposed to keep your distance as my higher up?" You mentioned sheepishly, recognizing the compromising position you two were in. 

"Fuck distance, I want you." 

"G, you're drunk. I don't know how— but you're drunk." You said, pushing your self up on your elbows. "I'm pretty sure you're just spewing nonsense." 

You move back slowly only for him to follow in movement. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." He responded.

"Have you ever done this to your other lower ranking comrades?" You asked. 

"Just you. I might be an asshole but I'm not a complete manwhore." 

At the most inconvenient time, a smile makes its way onto your lips as his face seems to get closer. "Ah, so do you admit you're an asshole."


You put your finger to his lips, stopping him just seconds before kissing you. "I appreciate your honesty, but I'm not that simple." You grinned. "I'll take my leave from here, you just get some rest and sober up." 

G groaned and fell to the side from over you, face down in the sheets. "You're no fun." He grumbled out.

You sit up and giggle, softly patting his back. "I know, you'll thank me for it later." You get off the bed and make your way to the door. You wrap your palm around the handle and turn the knob, opening the door a partsway. You look over your shoulder to see G still face down in bed, snoring Z's. 

You sigh and close the door back, knowing that leaving him like that would result in discomfort and complications. You pace back over and flip him onto his back with the little strength you had, grab a blanket and place it over him then slip off his boots placing them at his bedside. You take a pillow and put it under his skull.

Finally, you give him a soft tender kiss on his cheekbone which makes him smile in his sleep. 

Satisfied, you take your leave from his room silently letting out all of your embarrassment into silent rambling as you walk down the hallway back to a room of your own.


Author-chan: Hello! It's been quite awhile hasn't it? Yeah, I know. 

I have no excuse for my temporary absence and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Also, a friendly reminder to those who are insecure about their bodies...



Just remember that. :D

Alright, love ya'!😘 💖

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