Ch.8 This Is The Life

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When I got done explainig everything to my new pack they all noded. I also had told them what I was and they just acted as if I were still who I was before.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I accepted her when I first saw her." Luke said wiggling his eyebrows at me causing me to laugh.

"Haha keep dreaming buddy. None of you guys are getting in my pants. And thats final." When I said that we sll started bursting out in laughter.

"Okay now that that is settled out lets see how tough you are." Jesse said when we all calmed down.

We walked in his backyard and then all I saw was a wolf on top if me and I instantly reacted. I punched him in the nose and he whimpered. I used that second to bring my knees to my chest and kicked him off of me. I looked at the guys to who I was fighting and it was Cole I was fighting.

The must have noticed cause they said, "Keep on fighting."

I looked back just in time to have ducked from Cole. He shifted back in human form and whiped off his jeans.

"Dang you fight well. But maybe need a little more training." Luke said and me dead in the eye.

Anger welled over me but I just had an idea. In a fight you are never supposed to let the person you are fighting desract you in anyway or form and that is hard for guys to do. I can tell that is one of Luke's weaknesses right away and I intend to use it against him.

"Well maybe you train me and try to tame me." I whispered in his ear so only he could hear.

But I wasn't finished, I had just started.

I shoved his against the house wall and pressed our bodies together. I kissed along his jawline and down to his neck.

"Woooooaaaahhh get some boy!!" The boys were hollaring and cheering. Just smirked and continued.

I grabbed hid belt and undid it. Bingo!

I jumped back and whipped him on the stomach. Ha take that!

"Ouch! God damn it that actually hurt!" He screamed in pain.

"Good now this will only hurt a little bit." I said sudecivly.

I whipped him a couple more times and when I finished I turned to the guys.

They were all on the ground laughing their asses off and I started laughing as well.

"I think I know your warrior name."

Cole said.

"And what is that?" I asked when I finally am stable to get up and actually be civil.

"The seducer." He said.

"Touche." I said smiling.

"Describes her perfect." Luke said and that got my attentiom. I walked over to him and I knew U could get a reaction out of him.

"Awwww is Lukey Wukey mad that he didnt get his breakmilk this morning" I said in that baby voice.

He just tried to walk away bur didnt make it far, until I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Chill out and have some fun once in a while." And with that I walked over to the rest of the guys.

"Anyway. So whats up next?" I asked wondering what events they had now planned since I showed up unknowingly.

"Well. All I know is that," Cole said but continued.





Luke turned around and lunged at Cole but I quickly tackled him to the ground. I kissed him thinking to might help ease him but boy how I was wrong.

He got up still pissed so ai just kicked hom where the sun dont shine and watched him tumlble to the ground holding his groan. I heard the boys run inside fearing I might do the same to them.

"Told yah to losen up, but oh no just let the ego get the best of you and look where you ended up." I said with a smirk then made my way in the house.

I looked at the guys holding their manhood and laughed to the point where I was on the ground.

"Whats so funny?" Luke asked as he walked in.

"The guys are holding onto their manhood like they cant live without it, depend on it, amd act like it is their lives." I burst out laughing again.

"Its true!! All of those thimgs are so true and accept it!" Cole exclaimed with a smile.

"Dont listen to her. You will be great someday, I just know it"Jesse aaid to his groan and just laughed it off.

I grabbed ice and the rest of the guys left but Luke.

"Here, you'll need this." Luke's eyes widened as I put the ice on his groan.

"Umm you could have given me the ice and I could have done that." He said a little shocked.

"But wheres the fun in that." I said seduceivly into his ear. I nibbled on his earlobe and he let out a soft moan.

"Shouldnt have done that" he said with dark eyes now.

I quickly ran upstairs and hid behind Jesse giggling.

Before anyone could say or ask anything, my phone rang and i looked to see who would be calling me.

Great! Out of all the people who called me in the world it had been the last person I wanted to see.

It was Chris.

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