Ch.26 The Deal Part 2

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I woke up at 8:45 am and noticed that I was in Luke's embrace. I looked up at him and noticed how cute he was sleeping.

I slowly got out of bed and put a pillow so he would think I was still there. I pulled out my phone amd took a picture of him and making sure my flash wouldnt go off and sound.

Luckly it didn't and I quietly got my jeans on, a skyblue shirt, and my leather jacket. I walked in the closet and putting the stuff I needed in a bag and headed downstairs. I checked the time. 9:15 am.

I decided to grab a bottle of water and headed outside quietly. Put the stuff in the seat which barely fitted but I managed to fit it in.

I drove to the blacksmith and I knew I was going to be early which I thiught was great! More time with Mr.Handsome! He was, but not as hot as Luke of course.

I smiled at the thought of Luke sleeping and parked my motor. I grabbed by stuffed and I walked inside. I noticed no one was at the counter and frowned.

"HELLO?! I'M HERE!" I yelled just so he would know I was here.

"OKAY IM BACK HERE!" he yelled from the back room and I entered. I gasped as I noticed several men and them working on weapons too.

"Oh by the way my name is Alex." He said walking over to me.

"My name is Annie." I said giving him my killer smile.

"Okay well here is my pack. Thats Logan, Ryan, Tyler, Micheal, and that is Jason. I hope that isn't too many of us guys for you to handle." He winked.

"Well considering when I was younger, I mostly had guy friends and mostly hung out with them. And I still do!" I said with a smile.

"I can see why." Ryan winked and I winked back just for kicks.

"Anyway. Here is the stiff that I make." I made the "I" stand out in the sentence and put my bag on the table. All the guys started to come over here suddenly interested.

I set them in groups on the table. I put silver stuff in one pile and so on.

"Wow. There is no way you made these." Logan said and they all stared at me in shock.

"Well tell us what they do!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Well everything is a little different. This section is silver but, I also put some acid in the silver bullets as well. Same with the blades. Then, this section is my cutsom made bullets that I made. I desighned them when I was 13 years old.

They shut down each of your organs slowly and one at a time so you have a very slow and painful death." I paused for moment to see their expressions then I continued to the last section.

"Save the best for last. This is what I use for my work. What I do for living, is I hunt down rouges and kill them with these. This blade will kill you will one slice. My whip is just an ordanary whip though. My gun is mixed with Both the silver acid bullets and my

Customary ones. Ands thats pretty much all of it." I said taking a deep breath and looking up at them.

"Well is there a name that you call yourself when you are in business mode?" Tyler asked and i smiled at my name.

"Yes. Its "The Seducer." No I don't have sex with them but, I act like I will right before I kill them. Does that make sense?" I asked and they noded their heads.

"Also, what made you so pissed or whatever emotion you were feeling to make all of this stuff?" He asked curiously and I didn't want to talk about but I was going to.

"Well, when I was around 12 years old, 2 rouges names Devin and Aaron had killed my whole family. They forced me to watch and they were brothers too." I took a deep breath before continueing.

"They took their lives for no reason and I will never understand why. But not to long ago, thanks to one of my great pals, he found them and told me where they were. I tracked them down and brought them to my basement where they had killed my family.

I made their death slow and very painful. I had a friends skin their wolfs and I now have 2 beautiful wolf skulls, both of thier DNA, and their fur. So I guess im a little happier now." I said that proudly.

"Wow remind me not to ever piss you off." Alex said slighty smiling and I was glad that they werent pittying me.

"Yah me too." Micheal said.

"Me three." Logan said.

"Me four." Ryan raised his hand.

"Me five." Jason said and raised his hand too.

"Man me six." Tyler said dissapointed that he was last.

"Alright well the rest of you guys get back to work while me and Alex have a deal to seal." I said and they quickly scurried back to what they were doing.

Alex laughed and said, "Man you surely can tame them. You should stay more often."

"Yah I agree." Then my phone rang and I grunted to see that it was Luke and I answered it turning my back to the guys.

"Where are you?!" He exclaimed over the phone and I was so tempted to hang up the phone but I didn't.

"Well I told you last night but you guys were to busy talking and laughing your asses off to realize I was there. Plus, I didnt really feel like repeating myself." I said a little to casual for his liking.

"Well you better get back over here right now." He said trying to calm his wolf down.

"Haha yah no. Im think im good. You cant tell me what to. I can go where I want, when I want, I can say what I want when U want. I can do as I please." I hissed.

"Actually you cant missy. Im your Alpha. Now get over here now!" He said in his Alpha tone but I was trained to be strong enough to not take orders in Alpha tone.

"No. Your not my father so stop acting like it. I will be home when I want and when I get home you will not fight or yell at me or god so help me World War 3 will just begin and the gates of Hell will be set free. All hell will break loose in that house and it wont end very well. Now bye." I said with a lot of venom in my voice and hung up before he could say anything.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned around. All of them were on the ground laughing their asses off like this was some kind of comedy.

"Haha. You. Just. Told. Him!" Micheal said between breaths and kept on laughing. I joined in and started laughing too.

When we calmed down the guys went back to work and for the rest of the day was great. I spent it with the guys working on some new stuff and then the day came to an end. I gave them all my number and I got theirs.

I told them I would be back at the same time tomorrow and went back home with all of my stuff.

But I didnt even make it 5 steps into the house when I could sense the mood and tension in the room and I knew all Hell was about to break loose.

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