Chapter 55

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"Jees Y/N where have you been? We are going to miss the start of the show" Emerson complains.

Did she just stamp her foot.

I recoil my head and look her over.

Last I checked my niece was not 4.

"Excuse me Ms Sassy pants, I know you must have been stamping on a bug and not having a tantrum like a toddler". I folded my arms and leaned back.

"What the fuck were you and Ariana Grande doing in there?" Morgan whispers harshly.

I turn to her with a smirk on my face.

"First of all, language" I tap her across the back of the head playfully "respect your elders little lady"

Emerson stamps her foot again, I recoil my head even more and can't but hide my confusion.

"Oh I'm sorry do you need to go potty? Or did you drop your dolly back there?" I tease her with a serious tone.

I bend down slightly "Does little emmy wemmy need a huggy wuggy". I use a baby voice like I did when they were little.

I note her grit her teeth. She hated it when I called her that as a kid.

I break out in a full blown smile.

Cheshire cat style.

"Stop fucking with us Y/N what went on in there, we were not allowed back in" Morgan barks.

This kid needs her mouth washed out with soap, her language is getting out of hand.

"Did you fuck her?" Emerson points her finger accusingly at me.

Okay okay this is going too far.

I raise my hands in mock surrender.

"First of all, I am your Aunt you need to show me some respect and not speak to me in this disrespectful manner. Secondly, me and Ariana were getting to know each other and I scored you little brats backstage passes for after this show, so not only have you got VIP views and meet and greets, you also get to see her after the show"

I watch them smile and start bouncing around.

"And lastly, I was in there all of 5 minutes, please understand that if I was fucking Ariana Grande, a) you would have heard it b) you would have smelled it" I watch the disgusting face that Morgan pulls.

"And c) It would have lasted all damn night, don't do your Aunt like that, assuming that I can only last 5 minutes, highly insulting" I stand back and fold my arms showing my disappointment. "Now, are you little shits ready to go and watch this show?" I look at them expectantly.

"Yes!" Emerson practically screams.

Morgan is standing there looking confused and with a disgusted scrunched up face.

"I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on you would have" she brings her arms up and uses air quotes "smelled it" she puts her hands back by her sides.

I shake my head slightly.

She will learn in due time the smell of a room that two people (or more, depending on your kink) have spent many an hour having sex in.

"Morgan get over it" Emerson grabs Morgan's arm and starts pulling her towards the double doors to the arena floor.

I watch them go smirking at how young and innocent they still are even though they are becoming young adults.

"it smells like Chinese food" I hear Emerson explain.

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