Chapter 22

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Did she really just say what I think she did.

"Yeah it's only for a few weeks, he knows the dances for the older stuff so won't take him long to catch up." Ariana says as though it's not a problem.

It's a problem.

It's a big ass problem.

I let go of Ariana's hand I am not letting her think that this is okay.

"So management told you this today?" I leaned back dropping my chop stick onto my crap this place calls food.

"Uh, not exactly," she shrugged going back to eating her food.

How the fuck can she eat right now and act like everything is fine.

"When did they tell you Ariana" I narrow my eyes and fold my arms.

"Um the day before yesterday" she tries to play it off like it's nothing.

"TWO DAYS!" I shout but remind myself where we are and not want to draw attention to ourselves. "two days? what the fuck Ariana?!?" I whispered harshly. I was practically leaning across the table now waiting for her to say the punchline to this joke.

"I don't see the issue, you know Ricky and I talk sometimes anyway it's not like he's a complete stranger to me and he's just here to dance Y/N you're acting crazy!" she puts down her fork and mimics my pose, folding her arms and leaning over the table.

"Oh you talk sometimes? That's some fucking news to me!" I was now hella pissed, since when did they talk and why didn't she tell me? She kept tabs on me at all times, wanted me to tell her every aspect of my life down to what I ate for lunch but now she 'talks sometimes' to her ex and I am meant to be okay with that?


"What is the damn problem?" she hisses raising her eyebrow, she knows she is in the wrong but she's refusing to accept it so she's going on the defensive. I am not letting that work this time

"Oh nothing, I just didn't know we "talk" to exes now. I will keep that in mind." I give her a sarcastically smile and pick up my chopstick and stab it into the plastic egg roll that I was forced to eat. It sits on the top of my chopstick like a lolly pop.

Then I bit into it.

I am being childish.

I am pissed so I am going to make her pissed.

She sucks her teeth and rolls her head to the side before bringing her attention back to me.

"We" She gestured back and forth between us, "are not talking to exes, you are not talking to your exes, Ricky is not even a proper ex he was my dancer, who I dated briefly."

I rolled my eyes I was not eating up this shit.

Did I need to start singing her damn song moonlight in this restaurant for her to stop being a stubborn bitch.

"Anyway this does not concern you, this is my tour, I can do what I want, I can choose who I want on it and who I don't" she looked at me like she dared me to challenge her, she was being a fucking diva "I don't have to discuss who is hired on this tour with you, so I don't know why you think I should have to"

I could tell from her face her attitude had completely taken over and in this moment she didn't care if she was hurting me.

Oh that pissed me off.

"You know what Ariana" I started shaking my finger at her

"You're right you don't " I grit my jaw "like I don't have to discuss with you what I am doing with my career"

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now