Chapter 38

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AN - I think the viewing party was at 12am in America, I don't know. I am going to move it to 10pm, Why?

Because I can bitches.....

You wanted drama......

Here's the start.......


1st August 2019


Y/N Pov

You excited for your viewing party beautiful" I kiss the side of Ari's head on her temple while she is sat in the sink applying her makeup. She looks so cute, also how the hell does she fit in a sink.

I haven't fitted in a sink since I was 6 months old.

Dick too big.

Boo Ya

Ari is applying her mascara and her mouth drops open and tongue comes out,"Mmh I am, I love this song, it reminds me of when we first started dating" she finished the mascara and smiles at me in the mirror.

"Oh does it?" I stand behind her and put my hands on her shoulders "Like when you were psycho and I couldn't look at a girl but you refused to make us official?" I sniggered.

I remember the texts I would have and the calls and the various messages about how she doesn't want me with anyone else.

"Shush" Ari laughs "but look at us now baby" she stares at me through the mirror with a smile and her arms spread out.

"I know!" I match her excitement before wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and hold her close, " I love you more than I ever thought was possible to love someone and in the next year I promise we will get engaged" kissed her head "get married" kissed her head "and you will be pregnant" I smiled against her temple.

Ari smiles at me in the mirror "you promise? because I don't want a long engagement and the moment this tour ends we are having a baby no excuses"

I smiled happier than I have ever been "I don't have any excuses because there is none to have it's what I want."

"Well long as you don't keep me waiting to be your wife because, well I might have other offers" Ari cocks her head I know she's teasing me.

"Is that right?" I kiss her cheek.

She turns in the sink and drops her legs down to the side of mine.

"Uh huh, don't leave me on the shelf too long, I might have to look for other suitors" she pats the collar of my white Ralph Lauren shirt down, she bought it for me yesterday, I look hot in it.

"Well how bout I make you a promise?" I might as well give it to her now.

"Oh yeah, what promise is that?" she tilts her head.

"I was saving this, but I think now is the right time to give it to you, close your eyes" Ari closes them and I can see her peeking.

"Ariana no peeking!" I chuckle.

"Fine!" she concedes and smiles.

"Good" I reach into my pocket and take her left hand, I slide on the ring onto her middle finger next to her tiffany's ring she already wears with her girls. "Open up"

Ari looks down.

It was my name in a ring.

"This is just for now, I am giving you my first name until I can give you my last".

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now