Chapter 26

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A/N - Sorry about the pic, but I LOVE Ari squinting to read lol

Anyway,,, enjoy this crud below... probably awful.


I felt the one belt on the left loosen, I pulled it again.

Ari sat up and moved to the right and put her hands on the belt, thank god she was undoing it.

She pulled the loose leather strap.

Bitch tightened it!!!

"Ariana, are you trying to cut off my blood supply, you are going to be a Widow before you get to come if these go any tighter" she giggled and moved to the left one that was loose and tightened the loosening strap.

"These belts are just not good enough, I'm ordering  cuffs tomorrow" she was talking to herself.



"What? Cuffs? Why you doing that?" I stutter leaning up, to try and catch her crazy eyes.

"Because then you can't move, duh, and these belts don't get ruined" she tugs on the belt and I watch the lamp move with her pull my eyes widen.

"Ari..Ari.. Ari. let's talk about this okay,I thought we were going to wait?" I tried to plead with her. My arms were stretched so tight my biceps were bulging from the strain.

This must have caught her eye as she started rubbing her hands over them, one hand on each bicep as she leaned over me her hands going up and down caressing them.

It gave me a spectacular view of her breasts.

Maybe this wasn't so bad.

"Mmm baby, I love your arms, especially when they are wrapped around me, holding me, or when they are holding my hips while you pound into me from behind, fuck" Ari throws her head back and rubs her hands from my biceps down my shoulders and breasts and up her body and starts rubbing her chest.

"I love seeing you like this" she stares down at me and rubs her hands back down her body and to my abs. "Beneath me, completely at my mercy"

She got this look in her eye that I can't quite work out.

Is it murder?

"I can do anything to you right now, and there's nothing you can do to stop me" she is biting her lips and rubbing herself against my abdomen, I can feel her wetness, she is soaked.

Yep it's murder.

She's going to murder me.

"I love that you trust me to do this" she is still rubbing.

What has Ariana taken, because I am pretty sure we did not have this discussion that I was down for going all 50 Shades of Grande.

Of course I will agree, because I love her and I am down for whatever she is down for.

But still.

She crazy.

"So baby, as much as I would love you to take me and control me, I want to show you exactly what you mean to me, and how you are the only one I ever had like this, and only one I ever want like this" she leans down and kisses me deeply and her hands thread into my hair and behind my neck holding me.

She licks my lips looking for entrance. I grant it to her and she invades my mouth with her tongue and we enter a battle of dominance, one which I allow her to win.

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now