Chapter 47

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The rest of our meeting with Dr Sims was about how Ariana needs to take vitamins, needs to eat healthy, needs a lot of sleep and rest especially when she gets around the 6th month mark and needs regular check ups and scans.

And I am resigned to the fact that I need a "Pregnancy for dummies" book and a diary.

I snap out of my thoughts to stand and lean forward putting out my hand for Dr Sims to shake.

"Thank you Dr Sims for everything, for seeing us at such short notice and having.. um patience" I give her a tight lipped smile while Dr Sims smiles at me.

"You are very welcome Y/N I wish you both the very best of luck if I don't see you again" I nod letting go of her hand noticing that her grip did not loosen.

I feel the burn of Ariana's eyes into the side of my head and her tattooed, perfectly manicured hand reaches up and removes mine completely from Dr Sims hand.

"Thank you again Dr, we appreciate it, all the best for the future" Ari doesn't even look at the Dr while she pulls me towards the door.

"Thank you, don't forget to bring those pills in for me if you could Ariana, I would find it most interesting" I notice the tone in Dr Sims voice had changed.

I watch the exchange between Dr Sims and Ariana who has now turned to look at Dr Sims with her heel pointed out and her weight resting on her right hip still holding my hand.

"Hmm If I get time Dr, I am a very busy person" Ari narrows her eyes.

"Well Y/N could just bring them in, and I can give you another up to date prostate exam... I remember very clearly Y/n that, you had a very uniquely well formed prostate, it was extraordinary, given your condition regular check ups could only benefit you" Dr Sims smirked at Ariana.

"ANOTHER!" Ariana screeched.

"Yeah time to go, thank you Dr Sims for that very unhelpful comment" I mumbled the last part under my breath as I wrapped my arms around my now angry girlfriends waist and proceeded to gently pull her from the room and close the door behind me.

"She put her finger up your ass?? Why didn't you tell me?? I haven't even put my finger up your ass... I swear I am doing that as soon as we get home, you know what! Imma put two! Beat that Dr Hoe" I let go of Ariana and felt her two hands push my chest and I stumbled only one step back.

"It was for medical purposes!!" I try to argue back.

"Yeah well it's going to be for my damn purposes later" Ari stormed off towards the elevator.

My shoulders dropped knowing that I am likely to have a false nail lost up my asshole later.

"MOVE Y/N!!! Our baby needs starbucks and food!!" Ari screamed from the elevator.

"Oh yes because of course a one month old fetus requires a vanilla bean frappuccino immediately" I mumble and role my eyes.

"We fucking heard that!" Ariana shouts again but I can hear the laughter in her voice.

I enter the elevator with a big smile "of course you both did" and subtly place my hand on her stomach and kiss her softly on the lips.


Ariana and I returned back from the doctor's appointment and started getting ready for the evening ahead which included us going for a meal with all our family and Nick and his family. Joan was flying in with Nonna and Frankie and should be here in the next hour, we were staying at the Ritz and our family gathering was organised in a room downstairs just for all of us. Nick and his family are in another room in the hotel along with my family having their own rooms. Joan had organised it all.

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now