Chapter 48

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I held my phone in my hand chuckling at the photo, my eyes kept glancing over it, wondering what our baby will look like.

"Okay honey we will talk about this later, I don't want to get caught talking about this and I need to work on my suprised face, ooh I'm excited, I need wine!" My mom kisses my cheek and makes her way over to the table. I am still staring at the picture in my phone that I barely register that she is leaving.

I wonder if the baby will look more like me or Ari.

How soon can it be before we can get a scan photo of our own?

All these thoughts are circulating my mind, I really need to get a baby book.

I am so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the hands that slowly made there way over my shoulders until a small kiss was placed on my cheek.

"Hey baby who is texting you?" Ari peaks around me shoulder to look at my phone.  I quickly lock the screen and put my phone back in my pocket to hide the evidence from Nick.  I will save that for later.

"Nobody. Don't worry baby, it's nothing to worry about, it's no one" I turn and rub her shoulders in assurance.

Ari's eyebrows raise and her eyes narrow slightly. "Are you sure because you're pretty quick to put that phone away" Her voice takes on an accusatory tone and she points towards my pocket.

My eyes widen slightly.

Is this bitch for real?

She kissed another guy and kept it quiet for weeks, I put my phone in my pocket to hide text messages from Nick that if she sees is likely to make her throw a thigh high at least 23 feet across the room at his head, I don't want to be calling an ambulance to this posh hotel and explain that the reason my 6 foot 4 best friend has a hole in his head is due to my five foot girlfriend.

This girl does not need to be second guessing my loyalty.

I take her face between my two hands and looked at her intensely "trust me" I spoke firm.

"We have family here I will show you later" Ari looks at me weary and eventually gives in and shugs her shoulder which makes the jacket on the shoulder fall slightly down her arm. I move to lift the jacket slowly back up her arm "baby you know me, just trust me it's nothing".

Ari leans up and pecks my lips "come on let's eat" she speaks softly.

"Oh I can't wait to taste this vegan five rice no spice bean burger which you kindly ordered me" I tease with a tight smile.

Ari giggles and points a finger at me "I will get you off meat!" She smirks.

"Ariana the day I give up meat, is the day you give up my meat!" I chuckle, she can barely go a day without sucking my dick, let alone give it up forever.

Ari leans forward and snaked her hands around my neck and plays with the baby hairs at my nape "never" she whispers against my lips before bringing me into a soft and loving kiss.

The dinner was amazing, I loved being surrounded by family and friends and the food was... well as good as cardboard on a gold leaf plate can be. I hate my all bean and rice no spice burger but Nick when Ariana was not looking would slip me some steak, he got my back, I was able to mask the smell of the meat with my beer, I take another bite of my arugula laying limply on my plate mocking me with its tasteless healthiness.

Ari leaned over to me and took her hand in my, intertwining our fingers while her other hand reached across and began to rub the inside of my thigh very close to my groin.

"Baby, are we telling people about about our little surprise, my mom is just going to burst I think Frankie may pass out. How are you? Do you wanna wait?" Ari looks at me anxiously I can hear the excitement in her voice.

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