Chapter 16

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Ariana didn't take her eyes off me as she licked up the entire length of the underneath of my shaft. I couldn't help the moan that grumbled from my throat. It felt so good.

Ari licked around the tip before leaning forward and wrapping her lips around the weeping head of my dick and swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip. She moaned out at the taste.

"Jesus Fucking Christ" I groaned.

I tried to keep my hips grounded and not jerk them up into her throat, it was hard not to. (excuse the pun).

I couldn't take my eyes off my beautiful girlfriend as she leaned forward and sucked hard on the tip before bringing her mouth down my entire length and swallowing me. Ari gave a satisfied moan as I touched the back of her throat. The vibrations did wonders on my already sensitive shaft.

I had to push my hips back into the mattress not to fuck her throat. I don't think she would mind but I didn't want to choke her, well not yet anyway.

Ariana brought her mouth back up sucking and licking the entire way and she made an audible pop as she let go of the tip of my dick "mmm baby you taste so good".

"puu ppu pineapple? work?" I stuttered out like a pathetic idiot.

"Mmmhmm" Ari nodded her head before looking at me and licking excess fluid off the tip of my dick. I threw my head back to stop myself coming at the sight.

"Fuck Ari, you are going to kill me baby" I groaned looking at the ceiling.

She gave a giggle and went back to licking around my tip while still pumping my shaft and squeezing just below the head, just the way I liked.

I kept staring at the ceiling as the sight of her sucking my dick was doing nothing for my stamina.

"Baby" she called between licks.

"yeah" my voice was shaky.

"I want you to watch me" she took her other hand and started rolling my balls in her hand.

"Fuuckkk, Ari"

"Are you going to watch me" I looked up and she took my length into her mouth quickly but drew it back and scrapped her teeth along the top and bottom of my shaft. It was a weird but pleasurable experience.

She looked up at me with hooded eyes, it was a challenge. I weakly nodded.

"Good, don't afraid to be rough too, I want you to let go baby" she turned her head and again took my dick in my mouth and when she brought it back out scrapped her teeth along the other sides of my shaft.

"Shit,,"I breathed out while my one hand came up and fisted in her hair.

"Enjoy baby" she licked my tip collecting a mass of my pre-cum on her tongue and looked at me as she drew it into her mouth "I am" she swallowed and give me a dirty sexy smile.

Ari then took the whole of my dick in her mouth until it reached the back of her throat whereby she began swallowing motions, my eyes quickly rolled back into my head before coming back to focus on hers who was watching me the entire time. I felt Ari swallow hard and my dick was squeeze by her narrow throat.

"Holy fuck, Ari."

Ari kept alternating between sucking hard and bringing her mouth back up the tip of my cock and licking before taking it back into her mouth and tight throat. My hips started to slowly buck up and my hand fisted harder gripping her hair tightly in my hand, but not enough to hurt her just to keep her in position and make sure she not move.  It was taking all my will power not to just let go.

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