Chapter 46

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"Okay" Dr Sims props the piece of paper in front of her up and I watch her intensely as her eyes scan the results. I squeeze Ariana's hand tighter.

"Well" Dr Sims breaths out.

"Well what Dr is everything okay" I can't help the panicked tone in my voice.

"um.. well.." Dr Sims starts again.

"For fuck sake Dr JUST SAY IT!" Ariana leans forward and shouts, I think some spit shot out of her mouth along with her words.

I jumped at her outburst "Jesus Christianity Ariana!" My head snaps in her direction and my other hand comes around and gently pushes her by the abdomen back into her seat.

"Calm down babe, calm down" I rub her stomach gently and look in her eyes silently reminding her where we are, and why we are here.

I watch as Ari sucks her teeth and looks over my shoulder to glare at Dr Sims before bringing her eyes back to mine "Alright, I'm sorry" she looks over my shoulder again and raises her hand in mock surrender.

"I'm sorry Dr, I'm just nervous" she says sorry, she sounds anything but, I know the anticipation is killing her, Ariana is a lot of things, patient is not one of them.

I give her a pointed look and whisper "behave beautiful" and tap her belly gently before leaning back into my chair and letting out a huge breath "Sorry Dr, please continue"

Dr Sims gives me a tight lipped smile and I feel Ariana's nails dig into my hand as a warning.

Oh Dr please no more smiles, I like my balls in my scrotum and not up my ass thank you.

I nod at Dr Sims to continue "Okay, well, you are expecting..." Dr Sims gave a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

I was so focused on the tone that Dr Sims spoke in that I did not register exactly what she said.

"Um,,,expecting who Dr Sims, it's just me and Ariana for this appointment" I narrow my eyes and mentally remind myself to look around the room for this woman's medical degree.

Was she a fake?

I mean, it would explain the finger she shoved up my ass and the moan she made at the same time during my physical exam.

I shake my head to rid the image of that awful experience that I will take to my grave before I tell Ariana.

Because If I do tell her.

I will be in a grave.

With my balls up my ass.

It's just not worth the risk.

I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of fast breathing next to me.

I turn to look at my girlfriend who is frozen but her chest is moving rapidly.

"Hey, Ari, are you okay, what's wrong? Don't panic, Dr Sims is just expecting someone for this appointment, I don't know who it is, I mean she hasn't even told us" I gesture to Dr Sims with my hands "which is kind of rude you know, because like you booked this appointment just for us, but she decided to go all 5 year old birthday on us and invite some people, that we don't know, now we waiting for those people and like there's not snacks, there's no party hat's and like, are we having a party because I am not dressed for a party, and if we were I would want to at least look like a snack, cos you always look like a snack and now I look like a pudding, but not the good kind, like bad pudding and..." My incessant nonsensical rambling is cut short by a single hand wrapping itself around my jaw and pulling me eye level to meet the watery eyes of an Italian Floridian.

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now