Chapter 58

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"Drop me here Nick" I asked as he pulled around the back of the O2. The same parking lot that Ariana had chased us out of. 

The car pulls to a stop, I open the door to make my exit.

"Hey Y/n take this, you will need it" I turn at the sound of Nick's voice.

He throws me his cross and rosary beads.

I catch it with my right hand.

"Really?" I ask him.

"Trust me, put that shit around your neck, because if she is even a quarter mad of what she was when we left, you want to guarantee your entry to heaven" he makes a cross with his right hand from the top of his head to his chest then across his shoulders.

"God have mercy on Y/N for she know not what she do, when she hooked up with that bitch" he prayed.

"Nick! Don't call her a bitch!" I called him out.

"You missed out the fact that she is a crazy bitch" I put the cross over my head and hid it underneath my clothes.

"Touche" he clicked his fingers.

I wasn't religious, but I needed all the help I could get. 

"Bless you my child" Nick nods.

"Get the fuck out of here, I will see you later" I close the car door and wave him off, he gives a beep then he is gone. 

I entered the O2 and made my way through the entrance. 

Nick went to pick up his wife and his daughter from the Hotel. They were coming to the show tonight and we were all meeting early for some food and drinks including my family and Ari's.

I checked my watch.


I didn't have long I needed to get in there and get ready. 

I passed Adam on the way in.

"Hey Adam" I greeted. 

I watched as his eyes went wild. 

"OH, Y/N your back, thank God!" he grabbed me and hugged me.

Since when was Adam a hugger. 

"I don't think I have ever been this happy to see someone" he mumbled into my hair.

"She's been bad hasn't she?" I said simply with no motion in my voice.

"The fucking worst" he pulled back and looked at me with fear in his eyes. 

"She hit my taco out of my hand" he sobbed "My beef taco Y/n, why?"

I gave a sigh.

"The fuck I know Adam, at least you can replace your taco, she knocked my dick of it's pedestal" I rubbed my temples feeling the headache coming.

"So the rumour is true?" his eyes went huge "she broke your dick?" 

I just nodded.  "Out of action for a week my friend, I feel like I am passing a cactus with each piss that I take" 

I watch as his hands go to his crotch "Then fuck my taco you got it worse, she is in her dressing room, someone just left crying" he pointed behind him with his thumb.

"Great" I gave him the thumbs up and a fake smile.

"Good Luck Y/N, hey if she kills you, I will come to your funeral" he sounds sincere, which is creepy.

"Death would be too easy Adam" I head toward the dressing room door.

I passed at least 30 works on the way that mumbled hellos or good lucks and refused to meet my eyes.

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