High School

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I walk through the halls of my highschool. I'm not a big fan of this place. But it's the only way I can somewhat fit in with a teenager. I have a few friends. Most of them are fake popular bitches who only wanted to be friends with me because I'm dating Flash Thompson, the most popular guy in school. I don't like him by the way, If I'm being honest the only reason I'm in a relationship with him is because that was the best way that I could fit in and not be found.

Anyways, my only real friend is Gwen Stacy. She's super nice and smart. She's fun to hang out with as well. She doesn't know about my past though. The only thing she knows is that my brother died. I told her my parents go on vacations a lot. I hate lying to her, but she can't know. No one can.

As I'm walking through the halls Flash comes up to me. He puts his arm on my shoulder and I tense up." Hey babe, where are you going," He asks me." To class," I respond while continuing to walk.

" Oh come on, skip with me. You should come to a party with me later," He says." No I don't think so. I don't like parties," I sigh." You're coming whether you like it or not. I'll let you go to class cause I'm gonna hang with John. I'll see you after school," Flash says sternly.

I frown and nod while looking down. Suddenly someone accidentally bumps into me. I look up at see a guy, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He's quite handsome actually.

" Oh my go- I'm so sorry," the guy says while looking at me. I give him a small smile," It's okay. Really no big deal." But of course Flash clears his throat and walks up to the guy.

" You better watch it Parker. I'll fucking rock your ass," Flash says angrily." Flash stop," I sigh." Stay out of this," He yells at me. I step back and sigh. Flash pushes the guys chest and he stumbles back.

" Woah! Flash it was an accident man. Alright," The guy states. Flash rolls his eyes and punches the man. I gasp and grab Flash's arm." Flash stop it! Leave him alone," I exclaim. The man stands up straight and throws a punch at Flash. Flash falls to the ground and I move out of the way.

Flash's nose is bleeding and he is groaning. I look at the guy and pick up his bag. I give it to him and he smiles softly." I'm sorry about him. What's your name," I ask with a smile." Peter...Parker," He tells me.

I nod and glance back down at Flash." I'm Wanda Maximoff," I speak. Peter smiles and we stare at each other for a moment. But then Flash stands up.

" Come on Wanda. Lets get the fuck out of here," Flash scoffs." I'm going to class," I remind him." What class do you have next," Peter asks me." History with Mr. Dickson," I reply." Same! We can walk there together," He suggests. I nod but then Flash grabs my arm tightly. I look down at my arm, then at Flash." You're not going with him," He growls.

I feel my powers flowing through my body. But I can't let my magic out. So I have to seem like a weak woman. The bell rings and Peter looks at me. Then at my arm where Flash is gripping me.

He looks back at me and I frown." I'll see you around Peter," I sigh. Peter frowns as well and nods, he walks away. Flash grabs my shoulders and makes me look at him." I don't wanna see you talking to Parker. He's a fucking nerd. Stay away from him," Flash says sternly." He seems nice Flash. Plus, you don't control me," I scoff.

Flash grabs my arm once again and starts pulling me through the hallways. Eventually we are out of the school." Flash let me go," I yell while trying to escape his grip. My magic is practically burning the inside of me now. Begging to be let out.

Suddenly there is a thump behind us, Flash turns us around and there stands a man in a spider suit." What the hell," Flash speaks.

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