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" Spiderman? Holy shit," Flash gasps." Get away from her, now," Spiderman orders." Wai- what? No, no, no, she's my girlfriend. We're cool, right Wanda," Flash chuckles while glaring at me. I open my mouth to say something but then close it again.

Flash squeezes my arm tighter and I clench my jaw. Suddenly Spiderman punches Flash, making him fall back against a wall. Spiderman shoots a web at Flash's hand, causing it to be stuck to the brick wall." Are you okay miss," Spiderman asks me softly.

The voice sounds oddly familiar. I would use my mind reading thing, but I feel like I should trust this man. Whoever he is behind his mask." I'm fine, thank you," I smile.

" You should get to class," He says, I can tell he has a smile on his face as well." Yes, I should. Have a good day, Spiderman," I reply. He nods and swings away. I walk back inside, leaving Flash on the ground outside.

As I'm sitting in the classroom the door opens and Peter Parker from earlier runs in. His hair is messy and a fluffy." Mr. Parker? There is 5 minutes left in this class. Where have you been," Our teacher states." I'm so sorry sir, I got caught up doing something," He tells the teacher.

" Sit down," he sighs. Peter sits down in a desk which is right behind mine. After a few minutes the bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom." Hey Wanda," I hear Peter say as he walks up to me." Hi Peter," I smile while looking at him.

" Are you okay? After everything with Flash," He asks me softly." I'm fine. I never wanted to be with Flash in the first place. I just..had to," I sigh.

Peter frowns and gently touches my shoulder." Did he force you," He asks. I stop and look down," No...no he didn't force me. I just..it's complicated." Peter nods," I understand. If you ever wanna talk to me. I'm here."

I smile and look at him, taking in his handsome features. I see him looking at me as well. I just met Peter, I barley know him, but I do know that he makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


I'm walking down the sidewalks, school just got out." Wanda," I hear a familar voice call. I turn around see my bestfriend Gwen Stacy." Hey Gwen! How was your day," I ask with a large smile." It was great! Guess who asked me out on a date," She says with excitement." Hmm..let me guess. Harry Osborn," I smirk." Yes! Harry asked me out on a date," She squeals.

" I'm so happy for you Gwen," I chuckle." Thank you- Who's that," She asks while pointing behind me. I turn around and see Peter running towards us. My smile widens and he stops running when he gets next to me." Hey Wanda. Sorry I had just realized I didn't get your number," Peter states.

I smile and pull out a piece of paper. I write my number on it and hand it to him." Text me whenever you want. I don't do much out of school," I tell him. He nods and smiles," Will do. Have a good day Wanda." He walks away and I beam.

" Oooh Wanda has a crushhh. Does that mean you and Flash are finally over," She smirks. I nod," Yes we are," She groans as we continue walking." Finally! You never liked that dick anyways. ANDDDD Peter is so sweet," Gwen smiles.

" You're right, but I just met Peter today. We would have to get to know each other first," I chuckle." Okay then when he texts you and you guys start talking. Then boom, you two will hit it off," My bestfriend exclaims.

I blush and we continue walking.


I've just gotten back to my apartment. I unlock the door and sigh. Everytime I have a good day, I come back here and it is ruined. Ruined by the reminder that I am alone. I have no family left.

My parents died when I was 10 years old in the bombings of Sokovia. Then my brother, Pietro died when we escaped HYDRA. A year ago...

One year ago


" Come on we have to go sestra," Pietro yells. The loud alarm is blaring throughout the entire building. Letting everyone know we are attempting to escape. We run through the building, Pietro running in front of me so he can lead us to the exit. I am shooting anyone who tries to come near us with my magic. Once we are finally out of the building we celebrate. Until gunshots are heard. Pietro looks back and sees that HYDRA men are shooting at us. I see many bullets coming towards us, but before I can do anything Pietro is standing in front of me. Shielding me from the bullets. After a minute the gunshots stop. I open my eyes and see my brother standing there. Bulletholes are scattered all over his body. Blood covering his clothes." Pietro- no," I say while letting out a loud sob." I'm so sorry sestra. I love you," He gasps. He falls to the ground and I kneel down next to him." I love you too bratr. I'm sorry as well," I cry." Go, run Wanda. They will try to find you, don't let them. Y-You deserve better than that," He chokes out. I feel my dear brother die, and I realize that he wanted me to promise him. Promise that I will live, for him." I promise Pietro," I whisper. I stand up and run away. I don't know where I'm going. But it will be far away from here.

*flashback over*

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