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I walk through the halls of school with Gwen. We are talking about scheduling a double date." We should go to that mexican restaurant by my house," Gwen suggests." Is it good," I ask her. She chuckles," Of course it's good Wands. It's rich people mexican food. It's amazing."

" We should ask Peter and Harry," I say." Ask Peter and Harry what," I hear from behind me. Peter puts his arm over my shoulders and Harry does the same to Gwen." Gwen wants to go on a double date at this rich mexican food restaurant," I tell my boyfriend while giving him a peck on the lips.

He smirks when I pull away and I giggle." I'm cool with that, if Gwen says it's good I'm sure it is," Harry says. Peter nods while not taking his eyes off me," Yeah that sounds good."" Friday at 7," Gwen states. We all agree and arrive at our class.

I sit down next to Gwen and the teacher stands up." Okay class. Today we are going to start a project. Instead of working with your table partner, I chose your partners," Mr. Dickson speaks.

" The pairs are Angela and Daniel, Harry and David, Michelle and Flash, Sarah and John, Liz and Gwen, Evan and Tina, Jane and Michael, and Peter and Wanda,"  the teacher states. I glance behind me at Peter and smirk.


Peter and I are leaving the school hand in hand." Are you coming over to my place," Peter asks me." Do you want me to come over your place," I smirk." You know I do," Peter chuckles." Well then yes, I am coming over," I giggle.

" Do we need to go by your apartment first," Peter asks me. I nod and we start walking to my apartment. Once we get there I grab some clothes and other things.

Peter has never been to my apartment before now. When I come into the living room, I see Peter looking at a picture on my wall.

It is the picture of my family, the picture Pietro would always keep in his pocket. My mama, my papa, Pietro, and me are all on the couch. This is the only picture we had left after the bombing. So I framed it when I got my apartment.

" This is your family," Peter asks softly. I nod with a small frown," My parents and Pietro." Peter smiles sadly and I clear my throat." Alright, are you ready to go," I speak. Peter nods and kisses my head.

We leave and start walking to Peter's house. But just as we are walking, Peter stops and slowly looks somewhere else." Peter, what's happening," I ask him.

" Something's happening on the bridge," He states." Do you have your suit," I say. Peter nods and pulls down his shirt a bit, showing his Spiderman suit. I pull him into an alleyway and he takes off his clothes on top so he is only in his suit.

I make it so I am in my suit as well and Peter puts his mask on. He pulls me to his side and swings us towards the bridge.

We land and there is a giant lizard thing smashing cars and pushing them off of the bridge." What the hell is that," I gasp." I don't know, but we need to get people off of the bridge," Peter states. I nod and Peter jumps off the bridge to help someone in their car.

I run by peoples cars making sure no one is in there. I see the Lizard about to smash a car with someone in it so I throw a hex at it. The Lizard stumbles back then looks at me. It growls and I bring magic into my hands.

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