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I change into my suit with my magic and step back over to Gwen. Who is still standing by the edge of the balcony." Okay um...Peter is going to come and get me. But we still need your help. Do you know how to run a serum," I ask her." Of course, I do it all the time," She responds.

" Okay great, we need you to go to Oscorp. We need you to access the cross-species file. It's a blue serum. File 12389," I tell her. She nods," Okay. Got it." Just in time Peter swoops in and lands on the balcony.

" Hey Wands, ready," He asks. I nod and he pulls me to his side." See you soon, thank you Gwen," I smile. Peter swings us away and towards the sewers.


I am outside waiting for Peter to come out. He said he doesn't think Doctor Connors will be down there, he's going to see what is down there though. It's been about 10 minutes since we got here.

Suddenly Peter comes out of the sewer and he has his mask on." We have to go. Connors is headed towards Oscorp," He exclaims. I nod and he swings us in the direction.

I call my bestfriend as we swing.



Hi, where are you?

I'm at Oscorp

You have to get out of there now.

The antidote is cooking-

No, no, no. Connors is on the way, he's coming to you right now. He needs the device he's going to infect the whole city!

There's eight minutes left

You're going to wait eight minutes after what I just told you? People are going to die! You have to leave right now! You have to, okay?!

I'm gonna get everybody out.

Gwen, did you hear wh-

Gwen hung up on me. She hung up on me." Shit," I exclaim," What's wrong," Peter asks while swinging." She's still there. She's getting everyone out," I sigh.

While we are swinging the cops start appearing around us. There is a helicopter and people on the ground and on buildings. Peter dodges most of the taser things they are shooting at us, I block some of them with my powers.

But then one hits Peter and we fall on top of a car. We both land on the ground. But Peter isn't moving at first." P- Spiderman! Are you okay? Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay," I ask frantically while quickly moving over to him.

He twitches a bit as I shake him. Officers come down on ropes from buildings and from the helicopter. They pull out guns and point them at us. They start putting hand cuffs on Peter and I. I watch as Gwen's dad walks up to us.

Captain Stacy leans down in front of Peter first and takes his mask off. But before anyone can see Peter breaks off the handcuffs and starts kicking and shooting webs at all of the cops. Peter lands and I am now standing. But Mr. Stacy is standing now too, pointing a gun at Peter.

" Freeze, hands behind your head," He yells. Peter slowly turns around to look at him. I use my powers to break the handcuffs as well. I use my magic to get into Mr. Stacy's head, so he can now see who I am. He looks at me in shock." Maximoff," He says, he glances back at Peter." It's headed to Oscorp and your daughter is there right now," Peter tells him.

" You have to let us go Mr. Stacy," I tell him. Peter grabs his mask slowly and shoots a web at my hip, then pulls me over to him. He starts swinging away quickly and guys aim their guns at us." Hold your fire," Mr. Stacy yells. But one of them doesn't listen and shoot their gun.

I feel it hit my thigh and I yelp in pain." Wanda, wanda shit, are you okay," Peter asks frantically. I can tell he is about to stop swinging but I nod." I'll be fine, keep going," I respond.

We continue swinging and I hold my thigh in pain. I see the blood on my hand and Peter does as well. He lands on a roof and sits me down." Peter, I'm fine I said keep going," I groan." You're bleeding look at you," He says while motioning to my leg.

" No just- come on! We have to go! I will be fine," I tell him. He sighs and shoots a web over the wound." There, that'll hold it over," He sighs. He gently picks me up and jumps off the building and swings again.

We arrive at Oscorp and Peter lands on the side of the building." Okay I'm gonna smash through this glass. You go inside and make sure everyone's out. Meet me at the top," Peter tells me. I nod and he breaks the window, I jump inside and he swings up the building.

A go into the hallway and close my eyes. I let my powers flow out to see if anyone is in the building. Luckily no one is. I hear a loud roar/growl sound and I open my eyes. There is a crashing noise followed shortly after that. Peter.

I sigh and look up. I'm probably 10 floors away from the top floor. And I need to get up there fast." Okay Maximoff, alright you got this," I say to myself. I create a hole in the ceiling and a piece of it falls down in front of me. I step on it and create a shield around me. With a few more words of assurance I make the piece of stone float and I quickly shoot myself through all of the floors.

Once I get to the roof I land and see Doctor Connors choking Peter with his tail. Peter has his mask off as well. I fling myself over to them with my powers and the Lizard looks at me. He has one hand holding both of Peter's wrist. As I am about to shoot him with my powers his other hand grabs me.

My mind control must not work on him now that he's a lizard. Because he can see my identity." Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff. The couple everyone is talking about. Now, all alone. Don't worry, at least they'll die together," Doctor Connors speaks.

" They're not alone," a voice says. Mr. Stacy is now standing there with a gun.

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