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I woke up to a familiar smell, "Hunter?"
"Yes sweetheart"
"Oh Hunter I am so sorry I should've asked you how you were."
"It's okay,  I was an asshole to you best friend, I'm sorry"
"It's not to me that you should apologize, it's to Em"
"Well that will be in a while"
"My dad is sending me to a detox or rehab center"
"Wait, I'll talk to him"
"No it's too late"
I looked at him tears forming in my eyes.  He hugs me as I cry against him. He takes my chin with his hands and wipes my tears away before kissing me more. We kissed like we were never going to see each other again.

That is when I heard his dad yell from downstairs,"Hunter lets go" I looked at him get up and leave and felt tears in my eyes. I took Slayer and brang him with me to get my car at Kevin's. I took my car and I drove to my grandmother house and brang Slayer to my room, as i looked at the pictures and videos of Hunter I had. I missed him already and it hasn't even been a day yet.

I decide to lock myself in my grandmother's house since she was away on a vacation with her elderly friends for a while so I just locked myself in a room and practiced the song that hunter made. I kept playing it over and over again until it was natural. I was so proud and I was ready to call when it dawned on me that he didn't have access to his phone. So I just continued to sleep and not eat anything otherthen small snacks, isolating myself to make sure nobody else would see me. Once in a while i came out to feed Slayer and I would go back to the room. Emily texted me, asking me why I was not going to school or why I didn't call her and more people were posting pictures of me from the wedding. My phone kept making noise because of all the notifications so I just put it on silent

It was maybe 6 days later and Emily texted me
Em: I'm here with Kevin open the door

I read it and don't respond

Em: I know you saw it, we're coming in no matter what.

That's when I heard the door being open, that is when I remembered that I never locked it.

"Y/N were here now. We are worried about you, where are you"
"Im in here"
They open the door and she hugs me
"Hey what is going on? Is it because of the party?"

"No... it's complicated"

Kevin open the curtain to be able to see a little.

He start looking around and spots my bass guitar

"Wait I have seen that guitar before"

"What do you mean love?" Em said

"Wait wasn't that in Hunter's room, I remember now. When I first saw it he was embarrassed and hid it and would not tell me why he had it but later he told me it was a gift"

"Wait, i thought Hunter hated you"
"Yeah me too"
"Wait now that I think about it"

"I am in love with Hunter there i said it now please stop bothering me" I started crying again

Em softened her voice and hugs me  tighter. "It's okay, shhhh. We are not judging you, you don't have to hide it"

"Thank you"

"Where is Hunter now"

"Rehab center"

"Oh you didn't know. Hunter's dad sent him there"

Kevin looks shocked  "But the competition is..."
"Tomorrow I know"

Kevin seem concerned so I just try to reassure him "you know you can always try next year"

"No I will help Hunter escape"

*author notes sorry it's not the best but finals are horrible so i might just edit it later*

The photographer favorite subject (Hunter Sylvester)Where stories live. Discover now