Part 33

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"but the subordinates obviously heard..."

"you heard it wrong." he drunk did not allow him to finish his words, and his dark eyes stared at him darkly, expressing to him with his eyes, "say one more word at your own risk."

smeller closed his mouth knowingly.

lord demon zun refused to admit that he had made any sound, anyway, his black blob of birds, no one could see any expression on his face, as long as others couldn't see it, it meant that he didn't blush.

hearing the question, he gently stroked the bird's feathers and asked, "does your holiness feel better?" does it still hurt? "

he drunk: "it's okay, but the loss of magic qi is too great--is there still a crystal stone?" "

"yes, chu wei just got it from the demon realm." wen ren immediately poured a whole bag of crystals on the table and carefully placed the zun in the middle of the crystals.

the red crystal was translucent, slightly shiny, like a jewel, and the little black bird was lying on it, and the energy contained in the crystal began to flow towards him continuously, turning into pure magic qi and injecting it into his meridians.

the sea of qi gradually filled up under the infusion of magic qi, and the cubs in his dantian quietly absorbed the magic qi, probably tired last night, but at the moment they were extremely obedient.

he drunk closed his eyes and quietly operated the magic qi in his body, and suddenly felt that the little protector was touching him, he didn't want to interrupt the operation of the magic qi, so he didn't pay attention to it, who expected the other party to inch in, and began to knead the feathers on his body.

he drunk wanted to peck at him, but the temperature of the other party's palm was too warm, and the intensity of the kneading was just right, and the kneading was so comfortable that he couldn't bear to interrupt, he continued to absorb the energy while enjoying the kneading of the little protector, and any discomfort in the body was also completely ignored at this moment, leaving only unparalleled comfort.

lord demon zun was too addicted to the rubbing of the little protector, and he was actually swept to the peak of torii, and one did not control it, and then issued a childish voice: "tweet..."

the sniffing action stopped.

he drunk: "..."

the tangtang demon zun was actually plucked out of the bird twice in a row, and he felt that his face was swept away, and he violently broke the opponent's hand and flew out of the house with flapping his wings.

"your excellency!"

chu tired just sent jing yun out of the house, the door was not closed, he drunk flew out of the room along the crack of the door, but did not want the other party not to go far, just stood in front of the door, he did not notice, directly bumped into jing yun's back.

he drunk had not been transformed for too long, and his control over the bird shape was not as strong as that of the human form, coupled with his weak body, he could not fly again as soon as he crashed into it, rolling down against the other party's clothes, and seeing that he was about to fall to the ground.

at the moment when he was about to land, the smelling people chased him out of the house, and his eyes quickly reached out and fished him up: "your excellency, don't run around." "

jing yun heard his voice before turning back, feeling as if he had been lightly touched by something, and did not care too much, his attention was all attracted by the word "zun shang": "is the demon zun also here?" "

After dressing up as a demon, i was pregnant with a cubWhere stories live. Discover now