Part 16

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"for... scapegoat? are you saying that the boss uses the book as a stand-in for the confusion? "

"impossible, it's too... it's outrageous. "

"i still don't believe it, brother, this meal can be eaten randomly, but the words can't be said indiscriminately, you said that the boss likes to be confused, what is the evidence?" just because he's good for detachment? then i am also very good to my spiritual pets, do i like my spiritual pets? at the end of the day, you're all guessing. "

"don't you believe it?" the older disciple sighed, "then i'll tell you something more—just a few days ago, probably just before the election of the receiving disciples began, one night the boss left qingfeng alone and didn't return all night, guess where he went?" "


"he went to the demon realm, night peak," he whispered, "that night i happened to be patrolling the main peak, and he came back when he saw that the sky was about to dawn." in the early years, i went to the demon realm, and there was no grass in the demon realm, because the soil and rock formations were full of crystals used by the demon clan for cultivation, and when it rained and snowed, the energy of the crystals would dissipate with the water vapor, and when i saw the boss, his boots were stained with the smell of crystals. "

he paused, "later, i asked the disciples who went to the demon realm that day to kill the demon clan, and asked them where it was raining or snowing in the demon realm, and they said that they didn't go anywhere, and only a snow fell in the small area near the night peak." "

"this... the boss secretly went to the night peak, stayed overnight and came back, and no one told..."

"so you say that his feelings for dissociation are merely master-apprentices?" if it was just a master and apprentice, he still remembered him a thousand years after expelling him from the division, and secretly ran to the demon world to see him in the middle of the night? "

the disciples fell silent.

sitting in the last row, the smeller tried to restrain his anger, he tightened the tea cup in his hand, and with one more force, the tea cup was about to be crushed by him.

a good "obsessive immortal pei qianhe".

his brainwashing of the qingxiao sect disciples was really thorough, and no one even doubted the truth about the master killer in those years, and to this day, everyone still felt that he had betrayed the master of the sect and betrayed the feelings of the immortal zun.

good one... pei qianhe.

wen renyu clenched his teeth tightly, his body was tense, he obviously couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't listen to these disciples anymore, he stood up violently, and walked towards the outside of the yingxue hall.

the few disciples who were talking about gossip noticed him instantly, and one of them looked frightened: "why is he here?" what we just said wouldn't be heard by him, right? "

another self consoled: "no... no, it's so far away..."

wen renjiu ignored their conversation, went straight out of the yingxue hall, hid in a no-man's corner, and took out a white and round jade pendant from the storage space.

the jade pendant was extremely warm to the touch, and there was a surge of spiritual power within it, which was a good thing that would be thrown out and would cause the entire cultivation realm to come and fight for it.

penglai warm jade.

earlier, he had forged the jade pendant, and before he could destroy it, those disciples had reminded him.

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