|< Two broken hearted people |>

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She needed a break, a break from all this madness.

Steve is with Sharon and that is disgusting, out of all the women in the world he has to choose her!

How pathetic. Really.

And yes she was being...jealous..just a little bit though, I mean, she's Peggy's niece for crying out loud!

He can do whatever he wants, but why does he have to choose her? It was so wrong in many ways.

He loved Steve for many years..but he didn't noticed it, he was to blind to see it anyway.

And yes, The Black Widow being jealous? How pathetic she was to fall for Captain America! Feelings is for the weak, feelings are weakness.

But here she was, crying her eyes out for one man.

But she's gonna support him anyways, even though how wrong their relationship was..

She decided to just lay on the couch and have a day off, maybe watch some movies or eat anything she wants, and maybe go to the gym.

Suddenly, the couch was occupied by Tony Stark.

His eyes were puffy and red, he wrapped himself up in a blanket like a burrito, the television was on, watching a movie. And snacks everywhere.

But before she could say anything, he beats her to it.

"Hey there Nat..w-wait what happened to you?" His voice raspy.

"Eh..feelings I guess" she said, and it was a stupid answer.

He scoffed. "And I thought the black widow doesn't have any feelings"

She just glared at him and came closer.

She then motioned him to scoot over and have some space for her, he then moved to give her some space.

"Okay, but what happened to you?" She said.

Without hesitation he said it.

"Pepper broke up with me, she left me because I couldn't give up the suit" he scoffed.

Natasha nodded. Tony then turned his head to her.

"And what happened to you? Mhh?" He said.

Natasha was hesitant at first but decided to just tell it since there's no turning back now..

She told him everything on how she felt about Steve, she told him about Steve and Sharon being together.

"Wait so your telling me Cap is dating Peggy's niece??"

She nodded, he then imagined it..he gave a disgusted look at that.

"Welp, he can do whatever he wants, it's his life anyways" she said.

Tony just nodded and handed her some popcorn.

And for the rest of the day, they just chatted, ate whatever they wanted and watched movies for the whole day.

And then on, they became close.


Helloo, did you liked this chapter? I hope so.

Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter! And I'll be updating this book sooner or later.

Anyways, that's all for now. Buh-byee! Hope you have a great day/night!

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