<| Crazy Tony |>

545 14 4

*Highschool au*

He bragged and told his friends on how perfect Natasha Romanoff is.... he's obsessed with her and it's not good...

She was just so perfect! Every inch of her and every moves she makes is so– perfect. Even her breathing is perfect.

He was getting obsessed, too obsessed. And Rhodey was worried for him.

"Tony, your getting too obsessed with her and it's not good for your health.." Rhodey said as he  looked at Tony dead in the eye.

Tony and Rhodey were currently eating at a diner that's near the school. They were eating hotdogs and burgers for lunch, the principal and the guards couldn't stop them since they don't wanna lose their jobs...Tony Stark's father also support's the school and payed half of their things so that's another reason why they couldn't stop them...

"I'm not, she's just an amazing friend and I just want to brag to people on how amazing of a friend she is" he said munching into his cheese burger.

Rhodey just sighed and countinued to eat his burger.

"When did she had her last period?" Rhodey said narrowing his eyes at his friend.

Odd question but that's an easy answer.

"Three days ago" he said, not even looking at him and was scrolling through his phone.

Rhodey then almost choked his food..WHAT THE FUCK?!

"Dude! How'd you know that?!" He said yelling at him but not too loud for everyone to hear.

He looked at him for a second and back to his phone and shrugged..

Unbelievable! Really unbelievable! He was even stalking her now and it's creepy!

Rhodey then slumped back on his chair and sighed.

"You know what Tones? If you want her, confess to her, stop this stalking bullshit and do it already" he deadpanned. Tony then slowly lifted his head to look at him and smiled, a wicked smile.

Rhodey now was scared and was worried for Natasha..

"Anyways...I'm gonna go now, bye Tony, see you later" he quickly said while grabbing his backpack and went out the door.

Tony was still smiling, his smile turned into a wicked grin.


Helloo! I hope you like this chapter!

And I'm very fond of 'Obsessed Tony' and no one really writes that side of Tony.

So I decided to write it since I'm mental, anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a great day/night!, Buh-byee!!

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