•[ Drunk calls ]•

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Tony sat there at his lab, experimenting and messing around with some of his new found inventions.

Until he gets a call.

"Mr Stark, Miss Romanoff is calling" The Ai said.

I wonder why...

Tony thought.

"Answer it for me jarv" he said as he stopped tinkering at his invention and straighten up his back.

"STARK..." He suddenly heard the familiar voice, why did she yell?

"Hey uh...uh, can you, can you pick me up?" She said, sounding a bit drunk, wait...is she drunk?

"Why? You can drive for yourself Romanoff, get a taxi or something" Tony said, did he sound harsh?

"Rude..." He can hear her say making him smile Abit. "Come on, Stark, it's late at night, no taxis or anything, I also came here by taxi by the way" she said.

"How about walking?" Tony teased as he laughed at his own joke. Natasha then groaned.

"Come onnn, the tower is like, a hundred miles away" she said. Tony then scoffed. "No it isn't

"Yes it is"

Tony then thought for a moment. "Are you drunk?"

There was a pause for a moment before she continued. "N-no im..not" She stuttered a bit.

Tony laughed while she protested she wasn't drunk for a solid five minutes straight.

"Welp, you're definitely drunk. But don't worry I'm picking you up" Tony finnaly said, he got up from his chair as he heard Natasha's sigh of relief.

"Finnaly" she said.

And then, she ended the call making Tony wonder..How or what drink that possibly made her this drunk.

But Tony just shrugged it off as he got out of his lab to pick up a drunk Natasha Romanoff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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