<| Be my valentine |>

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She was laying on the couch eating some chips and reading a book when Tony appeared, a big smile in his face. He was holding a boquet of flowers.

Natasha slowly lowered her book to see his face, they were meters apart.

"What is it?" She said.

He then took out the flowers from his back, handing it to her.

"Be my valentine" he said.

She giggled. He was confused..

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious Nat" he said.

She stopped and looked at him.

"It's just that..love is for children" she said and countinued to read her book.

He scoffed, this woman is dumb sometimes.

"'LOve iS fOr cHilDreN' yeah right" he imitated her, he then dropped to the couch sitting beside her.

She took a quick glance, and oh God...not the puppy eyes..

"Stop it" she said.

He doesn't listen and continued to do his charm.

She was trying to focus on her book but can't, stupid puppy eyes..

She took another glance at him. She sighed.

"Fine..I'll be your valentine.." she finnaly said, and after hearing those words, Tony attacked her with his hugs.

"So dinner?" He said.

"Yeah..dinner" she said.

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