<| Mr telephone man |>

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Inspired by the song: "Mr telephone man"

Also, Tony and Natasha are teens

Tony Stark decided to call his best friend, Natasha Romanoff.

A young beautiful red head who's a smart and a badass at the same time!

He then started dialing her number on the red telephone. At first she didn't pick up.

She must be busy or misheard or something... He thought.

But after a second time, she didn't pick up again..

Strange..She usually picks at the second call but no.

He dialed again, and again, and again, and again..all he heard were faint 'clicks'

This was so not her! She usually and always picks up. Tony then dialed "6-1-1" the repair service telephone thingy.

"Hello, may I help you please?" A woman in the other line said.

"Yes umm, I think there's something wrong with my phone? My friend isn't picking it up, she always picks up calls" Tony said, a bit impatient.

The woman in the other line chuckled.

"Don't worry dear, I'll get it fixed as soon as possible" the woman in the other line said.

"Thank you" Tony said.

"Your welco-" but before she could continue, Tony already ended the call.

It's ten-minutes now, and the repair lady thingy in the other line wasn't picking up, he's called about twenty times now!

And another one last ring, the lady in the other line finnaly picked up.

"Hello dear, please hangup and dial the number your calling before me–". Tony immediately hanged up and dialed his best friends phone number.

At first it didn't pick up, but at the second call it finnaly picked up!

"Natasha! You've finnaly picked up–"

"I'm sorry but Natasha is not here right now" a deep thick Russian accent said.

What the fuck?

"Huh? I'm sure I dialed the right number– wait you said Natasha isn't home right now?"

"Yes" the man in the other line said.

"I'm sorry but may I know where she is right now?" Tony said, sounding almost desperate.

"Who are you? Are you Natasha's boyfriend?!" The Russian man yelled.

Tony had to put the phone away from his ear because of his yelling.

"What? I'm his best friend! I-im not his b-boyfriend.." Tony stuttered, he may or may not have..a big crush on his best friend...

The man in the other line just hummed.

"Sir–" he was then interrupted by a 'click' again.

What the hell? Who was that man? Was that her dad?? Tony thought

"Well.. that was interesting.." Tony said.

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