<| Clichè move |>

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Requested by nayewaka!, This is part 2 of 'Crazy Tony's so if you haven't read that yet, go read it now and come back here later!

Anyways, enough of the chit-chat, onwards to the story!

Clint has been very suspicious of Tony Stark lately.

Hes been flirting with his bestfriend lately, he's been very flirty around her lately.

And yes Tony is flirtatious with everyone but this is on a whole 'nother level! It's like he's obsessed with her.

"Hey Barton? You okay right there?" Natasha said waving her hand infront of Clint's face.

He then came back to reality and shooked off that thought.

"Oh yeah..I'm alright" he said. Natasha just eyed him in suspicion but she just shrugged it off.

"Anyways, pizza later?" She said lightning up the mood. He turned to look at her and smiled, he nodded while Natasha let's out a small chuckle

But little did they know, someone was watching them...

"Dude...was this all necessary?!" Rhodey quitely yelled at his crazy bestfriend.

Tony slowly puts down his binoculars and looked at him with an unreadable face.

"Of course it is! All is necessary" he then said and continued to watch Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.

Rhodey just rolled his eyes. How in the hell are they still friends?

"Tones...were hiding in a bush...a fucking bush! She's gonna see us!" Rhodey exclaimed, But this is Stark we're dealing with...

Stark just ignored his comment and continued to watch the two of them.


Natasha and Clint suddenly got up and walked down the sidewalk, Natasha can sense that someone was watching them. She looked around to see two idiots hiding in a bush..

Really clichè of them.

She then made eye contact with Rhodey, Rhodey immediately got down. Oh boy, he fucked up.

Natasha stopped dead on her tracks while Clint looked at her confused, she then waved her hand at the two idiots.

Clint then followed her direction of eye contact..when he those two

Okay..the fuck?

Clint thought.

"Stark! Rhodey!" She suddenly yelled. Tony then immediately got up and dusted his clothes with his hands while Rhodey sat there, he was like a deer. Who was about to get hit by a truck or car, duh.

"Nat! Babes!" He said walking up to the both of them, Rhodey just followed him behind.

"What were you guys hiding in a bush?" Clint suddenly said, eyeing both of them.

"It's for research" Tony stubbornly said. Rhodey looked at him with disbelief but..he played along.

"Anyways...wanna umm..join? Me and Clint were getting pizza, so..wanna join? The both of you?" Natasha awkwardly said.

Clint looked at his bestfriend with disbelief, while Tony was smiling and was beaming brightly.

"Of course babes!" Tony says while smiling, he was like a cute little puppy. How adorable.

"Please stop calling me that" Natasha glared at Tony, he just slyly grinned as the both of them walked off to the near pizza diner.

Rhodey and Clint looked at the both of them walking off, disbelief in their faces.

"So...are we third wheeling them?" Rhodey said while he looked at Clint.

"Of course not! They can't be in a..relationship!" Clint suddenly yelled at Rhodey, Rhodey flinched at his sudden outburst.

"Why not?" He said.

Clint just gulped and stared at him for a few seconds before answering him.

"I-i have my reasons" he said while walking off.

Rhodey then thought for a moment but realized that he was being left behind.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Rhodey said while running off to the three of them.

Hellooo! Author here! Oh and I'm so sorry for not updating for the past week or so.

But I'm having a new idea of a book! It's an Ironwidow one but with a bit of Romanogers. But I really don't know if I should do it or not...

But anyways, I hope you like this chapter! And I'm gonna update my other books later or tomorrow if I have time :D

But that's all I wanna say for now, Buh-byee! Have a great night/day!

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