<| comfort |>

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He heard a scream in the middle of the night, Tony was currently upgrading or may or may not be creating a new suit.

But he heard a scream, it was none other than Natasha's, how did he know you may ask? Well...

This is one of 'those' nights.

He immediately got out of his lab and ran down the hallway to Natasha's room, he knocked at her door. No answer.

"Ms. Romanoff, Mr Stark is at the door" he can hear JARVIS say.

"Come in" Natasha said, her voice almost quite.

He slowly twisted the doorknob and walked up to her, sitting next to her in her bed.

"What's wrong?" He said as he looked at her, she was on the edge of crying right now and it made his heart ache.

"I..couldn't save her..Yelena.." she quietly said, her lips quivering.

Another nightmare.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault, she's in a better place now" he said wrapping his arms around her.

"But..I left her alone to die, I could've save her" she says. Now crying completely, tears falling off her cheeks.

He smoothens her, rubbing her back and humming a random song to comfort her.

"Hey, don't worry Nat, me and the team will always be here for you, no matter what" Tony said with a small smile.

"Thats a lie" she said.. sounding miserable.

"No it's not! I pinky promise, I'm  never going to leave you..so as the team, and please don't blame yourself for her death, shes in a better place now, she can finnaly rest"

She just stares at him for a moment then tears started spilling, she eventually hugged him tight.

"Stop crying now" he said. "Pizza? Lasagna? Anything?" He added.

She pulled away fr the hug and gave him a small smile, "do we still have sushi?" She says.

He nodds, "of course we do" he said as he smiled at her.

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