<| Give me attention |>

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She gave them so much attention but not him...

Natasha currently ignored Tony in two days now, he didn't know why but he needs to know.

He was getting paranoid every second.

Is she getting tired of me?
Am I not good enough?
I'm I not gorgeous enough??

He thought.

His thoughts then got cut off by someone shooking him.

He was about to shout at them for cutting off his thoughts when he saw Natasha, was shooking him.

"Tones? You okay?" She said.

Tony then felt his stomach flutter and replied with a nod. Natasha just nodded back at him and continued to read her book.

So she was not ignoring him?


She was laying on her bed, she was currently in her bedroom scrolling through her phone when she saw somebody opening the door.

She then got alerted and immediately was in her fighting position, when she saw who it was she sighed.

"Stark? What are you doing here?" She said.

Tony just looked at her with a pouty face.

Okay now this is getting wierd..

He then came closer to her, she stepped back a little not knowing what was happening when she suddenly felt his arms rapping around her.

A hug??

Okay this is much wierder

"Stark-what are you-" she then paused when she hit her back on the bed, he was ontop of her..

"Are you even Tony Stark?? Are you on drugs right now??" She questioned.

He then looked up to her, he was on the edge of tears right now.

"What the hell is going on?" She said in her soft tone.

"I want your attention, please" he begged, making a puppy face.

She then scoffed.

"I am serious right now, give me attention" he said.

She then chuckled a little, he was being a man child right now and it was cute while Tony just looked at her with a 'why-are-you-laughing' face.

"But I'm already giving you attention" she said.

He just groaned and clinged onto her.

And in a couple of minutes, they were finnaly asleep, both in eachothers arms.

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