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She was hugging Steve...ugh, it was annoying.

It's been a day since Steve and Sharon broke up...

"It's okay Steve, everything will be alright" he heard her say in a soft voice.

Okay, why the hell was she comforting him? Did she lose her mind?? I mean, come on! He deserved it anyway.

Steve and Sharon is just a big no, dating your ex-lovers niece is just a no, but she said she'll still support him even though it's so wrong!

He then felt a presence behind him.

He turned around to see a certain redhead who had a questioning look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She said looking him up and down. Was she judging him?

He then looked at her for a second.

"Nothing, I was just walking down the hall when I saw you and..Steve having a moment..so i–"

"You eavesdrop?" She said crossing her arms.

He just scoffed and shook his head even though it was true. She then let out a sigh and patted him on the shoulder.

"Get some sleep Tones, really, how many hours have you slept by the way?" She said.

He just sighed. "About..fifty hours now" he said.

She then let out a laugh while he looked at her.

"What's so funny?" He said narrowing his eyes at her, she then stopped and looked at him dead in the eye.

"Nothing, but get some sleep Tony, you need it" she said as she patted his shoulder and walked away to her room.

And as he heard those words, his stomach twisted.

He then saw Steve walking past him, Steve gave him a small smile while he gave him a fake smile.

He saw Steve then enter his room who was next to Natasha's, his room is just across Natasha's.

He then didn't know what to do now but sleep...he decided to sleep.

He walked into his room, closed the door and flopped into his bed.

He then straighten his position, closing his eyes.


"I love you Tony" she said.

He smirked. "I love you too Nat" he said.

He leaned in to kiss her when BANG!

His cheeks hurt.

He opened his eyes and saw that he fell on the ground. He got up and noticed it was just all a dream.

"Dammit" he said, his voice raspy and faint.

He got up and flopped back into bed, he was about to have another wonderful dream when someone knocked on his door.

"TONY! GET UP! WE HAVE A MISSION!" A familiar voice said.

Right...he and the team has to go to one of hydra's warehouse and get back the stolen weapons from SHILED.

He got up lazily and walked up to his door, he swunged it open to see her.

"Morning sweetheart" she said in her seductive voice.

His cheeks flushed when he heard the term 'sweetheart'.

"Are we a thing now? Since you called me sweetheart" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

She just scoffed and rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.

"We're not a thing Tones" she said as she walked away.

He frowned at her answer but he knows she likes him.

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