<| sorry buddy, but she got you |>

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Tony was getting coffee for the fifth-time when Jarvis alarmed him.

"Sir, an unknown caller wants to talk with you"

Tony raised his eyebrow while sipping his coffee.

Tony was in a good mood today, so he was generous to answer a call, he then placed his coffee on the kitchen counter. And walked in the living room to seat on the couch.

He put out his phone and placed it on the table, suddenly, it projected.

He answered the call.

He saw a man, his hair sticking out everywhere, he also had blue eyes, he was wearing all black and a leather jacket.

"Stark, I have your wife and it would be a shame if I cut her pretty face, hand me five hundred million dollars and I'll let her go" the man said.

What a stubborn man, welp, he's in a treat.

Tony just chuckled making the man confused.

"What are you laughing about? I kidnapped your wife" he said, his brows furrowed.

Tony then stopped but still had a grin in his face.

"Oh no no no no, I'm not laughing..I'm just worried about you" he said.

"What do you mean by that??"

Tony sat up straight, the grin still plastered in his face.

"Sorry buddy, but she got you" was all he said.

The man looked confused, but before he can even speak, he was knocked out by the chair, Tony then saw his wife.

"Hey babe, you knocked him out real nice" he smoothly said.

Natasha just rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Are you on your fifth coffee?" She said.

He just stared blanky at her, and blinked a few times. He then nodded slowly.

"How'd ya know?" He said. Natasha just chuckled.

"I just know" she said flipping back her hair, he then narrowed his eyes at her.

"Are you stalking me?" He says. Natasha just looked at him dumbfounded, is he being for real right now??

Natasha then gave him a 'are-you-serious-right-now?' look.

Tony then laughed at her expression, he literally falled off the couch making a small 'thud'.

"I-i was j-just kidding" he said trying not to laugh again. She just sighed.

"So whats for dinner?" She asked.

Tony then looked at her. "Shawarma?" He said smiling.

"Shawarma" she said smiling before ending the call, Tony scoffed and looked offended.

"Rude..Not even a goodbye kiss or anything..not even a simple goodbye" he muttered before grabbing the remote control and opened the tv.

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