chapters 1

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When you think of touch, what comes to mind? Comfort? Healing? Uneasiness? Love? Its a matter of insight of how a single touch can make a person feel. Some don't wish to be touched while others crave it, need it , or are dependent on being touched. Many types of touch exist. The massaging touch, a lovers touch, an abusers mark, a dying family members last memory for a loved one left behind. In this story, you will read about three people who experience this magical sense we call touch. Three different view points of how each feels about this simple thing everyone does everyday.

Shannon, a man whom works endless days as a construction worker. Jared, a vocalist for a struggling band. And then there's Juliet. Not the same as Romeo's Juliet, oh no. She has a wild side that many men have never been able to tame. Many tried more failed. She will come into contact with both men on seperate occasions and learn life long lessons from each.

First, her story is a mix of love, pain, pleasure, hurt, resentment and peace. She started her young life as a quiet child growing up in the beautiful town of San Fransisco , California. Beautiful weather, some foggy mornings but many sunny days. She lived with her parents and brother Tomo. He's was two years older then she was, but very much her protector. He wouldn't let her go out alone. He could see that she might have been quiet at home, but in the real world? Oh yea she was a crazy girl. The boys chased her and the girls envied her.

And why was that? Tomo was a ladies man. Every girl wanted to date him. His personality was always sunny. He never stopped smiling or making everyone laugh. Juliet wasn't about to let any girl near him. Like Tomo, she was protective as well. Their parents both worked two jobs. Mom worked as a Night RN and at a local Whole Foods store and their dad , was doing odd jobs and worked as a policemen.

Juliet couldn't sleep many night worrying about her father. What if someone was to cross him and he would be caught in the line of fire and not come home? Her mother reassured them both, there was nothing to worry about. Still, Juliet worried herself sick. She was and always had been a daddies girl. Dad was her hero, her knight in shinning armour. He was fearless. A man of great strength and knowledge as well. Tomo looked up to their mother. He was just like her. He wanted to be a person in healthcare save people and make them feel better. Only one problem, he was always taking care of his sister, she had a obstacle that always held her back from wanting to be touched by anyone. She never wanted to get close to strangers and she hardly kept long relationship. Many were short lived but still Tomo kept her motivated to keep going in life never give up.

Tomo was out on this sunny day and was searching for a job at the hospital up on the hill. His mother had given her boss the good word about her son and so he had kept his fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe , everything would pan our for this job to be his. He boarded the trolley car and rode it up to the top of the hill. The views still took his breath away. The fresh air filled his lungs and a smile crossed his face. He was excited !

Meanwhile back at home , Juliet was alone in her room searching for a car to buy. She was enrolled in the local arts school. A striving ballerina. She had been a dancer all her life. The one joy in her world was the feeling of the music in her bones as she danced. The program she was striving for was a big one. A huge shot in the dark. A once in a lifetime golden ticket. Dance lessons and endless night practicing over an over again, would they finally pay off ? Today was the day, the one that would change her life forever. Juliet tunred to see her mother walk over to the phone it must be ringing. She can feel her heart racing with anticipation. Her mother picked up the call and Juliet crossed her fingers she looked at her mothers lips moving fast. The voice on the other line was the schools administration. The person who held her dreams of dancing pro, in their hands. She waited and then, received an answer to her prayers. It was a good one. Her mother began to tear up as she looked over to Juliet .Her eyes went wide. Juliet smiled and cried tears of joy. She was on her way.

TouchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora