chapter 10

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Shannon's P.O.V.

It's been a week and I haven't heard from her. She said she was gonna text me when she got in, but never did. I might now have regretted that kiss . I scared her away. How could I have been so dumb to think I could have a chance with her. She's probably with him anyways. I should just go out and find someone new. I get that we were not dating , but I couldn't help how I felt inside. She got under my skin and never left. Love plowed its way into my heart when she looked at me that day.

I stop my pity party and get up to make some dinner for myself . Suddenly I hear a ping. Maybe that's her ! God do I sound desperate or what ?

I look at my screen and it's Tomo. Dangit! Tomo" hey ,come meet me that grill down the street I will but ya a drink buddy " I text back " I was just gonna make dinner , but hell, I will take you up on that offer be right there man " He sent a fist and I sent one back.

I showered and changed into my clean clothes then headed out on the town . Blasting the radio letting in the warm night time air. Feeling good again. As I pulled up on the parking space , I could see him in the window . He was talking to someone else . He didn't mention anyone joining us ?

I get out and lock my door and walk inside the bar area. Tomo tells out to me " HEY OVER HERE " I laugh and think we don't need to yell it's so quiet in here you can hear a spider fart. Literally ! I look over to where his voice is coming from and who should be there next to him ? Juliet . I look at her from behind and her hair is in loose waves and a small flower on the side of her ear. Very Hawaiian like look.

Tomo points to me and she turned to see what he was luring her too see. A beautiful smile crosses her sweet face and mine too. It blows me away she is here with us. With me again. I walk over to the table and sit down beside her and I can't even speak so I just do the next best thing. Kiss her. I hold her face in my hands and taste this sweet nectar off her two lips. Its satisfying to my hunger.

Tomo" well , looks like someone else is happy to see you too " I smiled and slowly pulled apart from her. My hand moved down to her hand and laced our fingers together. I watched as her cheeks blushed and i squeezed her hand tighter.

Tomo" Suprise !" Me " she's the best Suprise I could ever ask for " Tomo coughed and looked at Juliet and signed " ready to eat ?" She signed " yep , but nothing to filling or heavy ok" Tomo" ok" We all ordered and good quickly arrived and we all settled in to chow down. Me " I'm still so shocked she is here " Tomo " She came in last night , she um didn't make the school auditions " Me " what? You mean that dude didn't take her or something ?"

Tomo cleared his throat and said " no , she didn't make the cut " My eyes widened and he looked at Juliet. She looked down and could tell what we were saying and didn't wanna talk about it. But I did. I signed and said " I wanna see you dance , you never have done that yet" She blushed again and signed " I'm not that good " I said " bullshit !" Tomo " lucky she can't hear you " Shannon and Tomo laughed . Juliet felt embarrsed she pushed her way passed me and ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

I felt bad and walked over an waited at the door for her. Seconds later she came out trying to walk past I and I grabbed her in his arms and pushed her hair back and laid soft warm kisses on her neck and shoulder . She moaned and places her hand behind my head, up into my hair. She had never felt such passion from any man. She' d always pushed them away at this point.

But I'd never let her push me away. My hand moved up her shirt and up her back, giving her shivers . She could feel my moan vibrations through her skin. My scent was intoxicating too her Enthralling. We stood there. I never let her go.

Tomo came to find us finally and signed "time to go love birds" . I held Juliets hand , pulling her away from the wall. She flinched as we reached the lighted area of the bar, just by the bartender. I looked up , there stood a man. I had thought that she was afraid of him. That was until she pulled away from my grip , ran over to him.

Tomo" well look who's here! Hey man , how ya been? You showed up at the right Tim. She's home for the next ....." Juliet kissed him . I became upset . I grabbed my jacket then headed for the exit. Tomo " Shannon wait that's her ....." Door closed , I had already made it out of earshot. Tomo" best friend " Juliet hugged the man tighter, kissing him again. She was overjoyed , that her best friend Garrett had come here too. It had been years since they saw each other. Five years since he moved away and they lost contact .

I drove back home and poured myself a drink, and downed it in seconds . I was over it. My phone went off and it was Tomo again, I answered up. Me " what ?" Tomo"why did you run off ?" Me " she's happy with new dude, so I bounced " Tomo said " that's Garrett, her best friend , since grade school " Me " and that matters why ?" Tomo laughed and that just pissed me off more. Me " what's so damn funny?"

Tomo caught his breath and said " he's gay , you have nothing to worry about. " I felt dumb now . I wished I hadn't walked out when i did. Now I began to laugh . Tomo said with a chuckle " she asked where you went to by the way "

She did ? I smiled big and the door bell went off. Me " Hold on , someone is at the door "

I walked to the door to look in the peep hole, then opened it . She waved at me , then pulled me into a deep kiss causing me to drop the phone .

Tomo " Shannon ? I guess you are busy , dirty dog " He hung up the phone and continued to talk with Garrett , about Juliet's suprise birthday party coming up . They both had a plan that would knock her socks off.

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