chapter 20

131 15 4

Jareds P.O.V.

I drove up to the ballet studio and have flowers in my hand. I wanna suprise her and maybe convince her to have dinner with me. I drive up to the front parking spot and shut off the car. I don't know why she seems to always push me aside and choose a shannon? I have what he doesn't. Money, stability and I wanna learn more about sign language and be in her world.

That's odd , why do I not see her. I lookout around the room and I can't seem to spot her. I open the door and quietly wait for the dancers to take a break. The teacher saw me and made his way over to me and says " are you looking for her ? She isn't here, I sent her home. I warned her to take all of this seriously,  she failed to do that. Now if you please , I have a class to teach ".

I stepped out and he went back to teaching the class again. If she wasn't here then where was she ?". Home again ? But I just left there. I get back in my car and drive around then  finally as I am turning the corner to go back to my house and give up, I see her , with him. ".

I pull up and get out walking over to the table they were eating at. Me" I was looking for you ". And what happens next blows me away. She talks , not with her hands this time , but her voice. Julie " hey ,how are you?". I don't know how to respond to that ? Any normal human being would say " yea I'm good" or " I'm fine ". But truth ? I was in  shock,  I couldn't form words.

Shannon " cat got your tongue ?". I look at her and say" can you hear me ?". She smiles and says " yes jared , I can hear you . Shannon paid for the procedures today . It was a huge suprise for me. He made a dream come true. Come sit with us ". I pulled out a chair and just stared at her. She probably thought I was nuts but I was just happy for her and suprised too . I reached out and held her hand and kissed it. She blushed and said " you ok ?". Shannon " what's wrong with you man ? Your kinda freaking her out ". Me" sorry I'm just not expecting her voice ". Shannon " she is happy , now she is looking forward to the next big step , Juilliard dance school ". I look at her and she grins.

Me" when ?". Julie " in two weeks I have to fill out the papers. I am going for auditions.  I have a routine I have to learn in just two weeks ". Me" wow!  that's not much time ". Julie " your telling me , speaking of which , I gotta go practice ". She goes into how she had spoken to the school and they went over her dance history and decided that they would let her try out.

I still wanted to tell her how I was falling in love with her , but I knew with shannon being here , it wouldn't even make a dent in her heart. I let it go and ordered some lunch for myself. We all talked and decided to support her in this journey . I had to put my feelings aside and just be a trusted friend for now. I wasn't that type of man that was just gonna let him have her though , truth be told. 

I decided to throw her a party that night to celebrate. I invited all her friends. Including her best friend Garrett. She was thrilled that he had come. Shannon however, wasn't. I could tell that he felt uncomfortable. Garrett was that sore spot. Even if he was gay, he was still a threat.

I however,  made buddies with him. We toasted to her new ventures and shannon sat back and played on his phone. Julie " babe what's wrong ? Are you not enjoying the party?". Shannon " I'm good.  I'm fine , just loooking up something ". Garrett came over and tried to say hello to shannon and he in return  shut him off. Julie caught on fast. Julie " why are you acting like this ?". Shannon " like what babe ?". Julie " why didn't you say hi when he spoke to you ?". Shannon " I'm busy ". Julie " maybe you should be more social, it hurts my feelings that your acting like this ". Shannon " well , you have jared and Garrett so I'm gonna just look up  something's  if you don't mind ".

She was pissed off. Julie " wow , ok don't let me stop you then asshole ". She walked over to me and we had drinks and talked all night as shannon watched. My plan was working perfectly after all. Use Garrett as a wedge between them. Then she will come running to me. Shouldn't be to long now .

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