Chapter 34

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Shannon's POV

I give up I'm done I'm not doing this back and forth shit no more.  Tired of her games.  She obviously wanted jared all along . I guess I was just a damn stand in.  The sun has gone down & here I  am once again , all alone , but it will be fine I can find some other chick to replace her like that.

I get over myself pity party , then head to the car to drive , somewhere I know will take my mind off her.  At least for now. 

The one person I can turn to that will make me laugh .  I arrive shortly later . I see the lights on upstairs and shut off the engine off and lock it up.   Time for some boys to kick it with drinks and no drama.  

Tomo " hey man , long time no see ?how ya been buddy ?"    My best friend tomo is in town and visiting Juliet for the month . He got a vacation approved to come support her & just be here for her in case , she needed family near by.   But for right now , he was here for me.

We hug and then step inside his hotel room , he has a fridge full of drinks it's gonna be a good damn night! Tomo " so what ya been up to ? ". Me " just a little of this, little of that. So your sister just dumped me out of nowhere , for no reason thought you'd like to know that ".   He looks at me placing his Beer down and says " she did what ? But I thought you were gonna be together forever ?" Me" yea well me too . I thought we were gonna get married ". Oops i forgot to tell him , I proposed to her. Tomo " whooooah back up , what did you just say ?" I smiled and said " I asked her to marry me awhile back . She said yes , but now , I don't think it's gonna happen ".

Tomo grabs the plates from the cupboard and placed them in counter. Tomo" I made fajitas you hungry ?" I smiled and plant my ass on the bar stop and say " oh yes ! Starving !"

He fixes me up a plate of two and loads up the fixings. Tomo " so what happened , why did she call it off ?" Me" you tell me, I would have thought she tells you everything." Tomo" she's been busy at school and we haven't talked for awhile now "

I look down at my phone lit up , with her name across it.  I didn't really wanna answer it but I thought what if I do then she says , she wants me back. 

Tomo " so you going to answer that , or should I?"    Me " I got it .... Hello ?"  Juliet " hey ".  Me " hey , how are you "  Juliet " I'm sorry about what I did to you, but it was for the best for both of us ".   Me" so that's why you called ? To tell me this ? I already knew that was coming . I see the way you flirt with Jared . I'm done with all the back and forth so I'm good really ".

Silence . Then she said " I'm gonna let you go if your gonna act like that ". Me" like what ? You cut me loose for dance ! That's all you care about really , you played me . I'm pissed ! I was there to help you get your hearing back and this is what I get ? Yea ok ". Juliet " screw you selfish ass ! You always throw that in my face . I wish that I would have never let you do that for me of your gonna always pull it out when we fight ". Me" ooooh no ! don't play the victim . Your with Jared , that's who you wanted all along . You used me , then when he shows up poof your out ! So don't pull that on me ! Tell me , have I cheated on you ? No! Have I been nothing but faithful even when I was back home ? Yes ! ". She went silent on me and I wanted her to see how I felt.

Juliet " I see what you mean , but I can't be in a relationship with anyone right now , dance comes first ". Me" do you mean just with me , or Jared ? ". She hung up then I turned off my phone. She knew I had a good point and I wasn't backing down.

Tomo" give her time she will come around ". I don't listen and take another drink ,

Jared " what do you think ?" Juliet takes his hand and is speechless. Before them stands a massive waterfall. No one else is around and the night sky lays above them. Juliet" I don't know what to say ?" He came in front of her and held her face and said " I have one more surprise, come with me ". She followed him and he led the way down the path.

Her mind was blown once again. A table under the stars. A blanket with lots of pillows and two red roses placed on top of them.

Jared " I want your heart. I know your into dance and I am not trying to pressure you into anything. I support you either way. I just don't wanna lose this feeling we have between each other. This is to show you I mean what I say . So I've said how I feel , please tell me how you ......" She stood up on her tip toes and said " give me time and I will let you in ". I kiss her and pull her tight to me. My hands go up and down her skin on her back.

Suddenly she steps back and looks at me and says " but right now ...... I need you a different way ". I watch her take off her shirt and smiles. I take off mine and pull her to the blankets and we set the night on fire.

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