chapter 3

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He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. The hospital was massive and today, lots of people had the same idea he had to come & apply He grew nervous that maybe they had a better chance then he did. Still, he didn't let it sway him. He was gonna give it his best shot. The receptionist offered him coffee and he accepted it with a huge smile. An hour ticked by, as he looked over to the door , to see a man walked out. He recognised his face right away. It was the same guy that would come over for Sunday dinners at the house. He was Tomos inside ticket into working at the hospital.

His name was Garret Smith, a long time family friend. Garret " welcome Tomo come in please ". Tomo stood up and for a professional appearance he shook Garrets hand. Just so he didn't look any different from the rest of the applicants. They both entered a Mr Smiths office and got seated. Mr.Smith " So how your mother these days? I'm sorry I've missed so many Sunday dinners ". Tomo grabbed his cup of coffee and sat back leg crossed over his other thigh. Tomo" She doing good! She's Making pot roast this Sunday to celebrate Juliet's possible entrance into Julliard ballet school.

She's been wating for this for a very long time, I think , now finally her time ". Mr Smith " auh good! That's wonderful! I hope it all works out. I remember when she was five. My wife would play the piano and Juliet would just rise out of her chair and just dance around the room on her tip toes , oh man! To look at her doing that hurt me. I cringed! Don't know how those dancers do it really. My feet would snap in two. I'm hungry now that you mentioned pot roast. Auh ha! We should do lunch and invite your mother along. After all , we should celebrate your new job now shouldn't we? Don't you agree? ". Tomo couldn't believe his ears! He was really getting the job after all! Tomo" But what about the other applicants out in the waiting room? ".

Mr. Smith turned and looked out the huge bay windows to the busy streets below. Mr.Smith" they are here for a staff meeting Tomo. They already work here ". Tomo started to laugh and shouted " Oh my god thank you!!!!! I won't let you down ". Mr. Smith smiled and turned his head slightly glancing over his shoulder and said " Your free to start tomorrow, is that correct?". Tomo" hell I can start today, or right now if you need me too! '. Mr smith " now that's the attitude I've been looking for ! Welcome abaord! We are happy to have you on our team! ". Tomo shook his hand and was over the moon about this wonderful news.

He left the office then said goodbye to the receptionist. The sun was high in the sky, as he walked through the front doors to the streets. He couldn't wait to tell Julia about his new job. He also couldn't wait to hear about her day at the school. He had a good feeling they both would be celebrating with drinks tonight.

At the San Francisco ballet school, Juliet was filling out paperwork and carefully watched the time. She had an appointment at the auto shop to have her car get an oil change. It was long over due . She wasn't about to take the bus or trolley car ever again. Someone with very aromatic cologne walked in front of her. She didn't wanna look up. She was to focused on her paperwork to be distracted. But still , she couldn't resist just a peak. She looked up, she was met with a set of oceanic eyes. Big saucer shaped eyes that you could drown in for sure. She felt her pulse quicken as he stopped to look back to her. She quickly looked away and didn't make eye contact again. Seconds later , she felt body heat on her skin. Fingers touching her shoulder. She flinched and gave him and dirty look.

He stepped back and smiled. Normally, when she gave anyone that look , they got the hint and left. Not him. He sat down in the chair beside her and reached out his hand and said " hello how are you? ". She shook her head no and just looked at him hoping he would get the hint she couldn't hear him. He said hello again. She took her pen and wrote down " I can't hear you". He looked and smiled then held out his hand. She shook his hand as he made a gesture to use her pen. She handed him the pen then he wrote down " how are you today? ". She read it and wrote back " I'm good how are you? ". He smiled and she couldn't help but notice how white and perfect his teeth were. His lips were small but very sexy. She brushed it off though and reminded herself, she was here for a reason, to get into Julliard dance school.

He wrote down " I'm Jared what's your name? ". She took away the pen and wrote " I really need to concentrate on getting this done ". He sat back and didn't do anything else. Finally mintus later, she finished up and walked it over to the desk. The woman looked it over and noticed a box was marked " deaf , non speaking dancer ". She looked up at Juliet and wrote down " how do you dance when you can't hear the music? I'm curious? ". Juliet had delt with this situation more times then she could count. The answer was simple. She grabbed the pen and jotted down" I feel the beats through my feet and hands. I don't have to hear it, I just feel it ". The receptionist was fascinated by her ressponse and smiled back at Juliet. Juliet turned away and walked past Jared. She smiled and quickly waved goodbye to him then left the school. She left with high hopes of getting into the elite dance school in New York one day in the future. This would be here final year of school in her home town. One more year anf she co She wouldn't give up for anything even if she wasn't accepted in . That would just make her try even harder next time.

Jared approached the desk and asked for the note. He glanced over what Juliet had written. She's a ballet dancer? And she's deaf? I need to know more about this mysterious girl. I have to see her again. He ran out to the parking lot, but she was already gone. He wasn't gonna give up, not by a long shot.

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