chapter 12

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Jared's P.O.V.

She's due back soon , I know how much that audition ment to her. I want to make her feel happy again. I have an idea that will cheer her up. Dinner and a movie. She seems to have feelings for me but she's is like a closed book sometimes.

She can't hear me , still the way She talks with her hands it's beautiful. It art to watch . I get everything ready and I get a text from her. She must have sensed my thoughts. What ? No , not a chance ! I see her text that reads " we are gonna have another roommate. I hope you don't mind ". I pause then text back " we don't have room " She sends me a sad face and I don't budge. I pay for the rent and she will respect that. I don't even know him and second, neither does she. He knows how to sign. Big deal. That doesn't mean they are ment to be.

God she says " he is a good man! He will get a job as soon as he can, please!" I mean what I say. Me " I can't let him stay here! He will only distract you from school , that's why you are here ! Or did you forget that ?"

She texts back and says" no I haven't! PLEASE don't throw that in my face , all I was asking, was if he could stay, but never mind " She doesn't text me back, so I close my phone.

I have better things to do really. I'm trying to do this for us. I'm broke . We don't have much to get by on. Yet I feel like , maybe she has forgotten this already. Maybe when she gets here, without him , she will have a change of heart.

Back in San Francisco:

Juliet and Shannon are talking about the future. Shannon signed " I think I have everyting packed, what time is the fight?" Juliet laid her head on his chest then hugged him tight. He had a bad feeling about this. She looked up at him and signed " he .... He said you couldn't come " Shannon " but why ?"

She took his hand and kissed , as a tear fell from her eye and he knew the answer. Jared had said this. for fear of some other man coming into their home. A threat to him , Shannon was no idiot to the clues. He also didn't wanna push her anymore. If that was Jared's answer , Shannon had to respect it.

Juliet didn't wanna say goodbye to his heart. She had grown fond it him. They both decided to take this last night to just enjoy every second and when it was time to say goodbye, then they would say goodbye

Shannon and Juliet laid in bed, wrapped in each others arms, as their eyes did all the talking .

The morning came, it was time to part ways once again. Shannon woke up first to suprise her by making breakfast. He snipped two red roses, from the bush just outside of her window. She laid in bed asleep as he opened her door. He smiled as she looked so peaceful , so beautiful as she slept.

She could feel someone standing beside the bed so she slowly opened her eyes to see his radiant smile. His twinkling eyes looked back at her. She reached out to his face . He knelt down & grabbed her hand, leaning in closer, to kiss her good morning.

Sweetest good morning call she had ever known. Shannon signed " good morning my angel " His hand drifted across her face and their sweet moment was interrupted by a phone call from Jared.

Shannon reached and grabbed it then looked in her eyes . She shook her head yes. He answers it . S he can already tell by the look on his face, that Jared was upset in the other line. . But not with Shannon.

She ran her finger over his lips and kissed his neck. Shannon closed his eyes then told Jared " she will be there. I will make sure she's at the airport in awhile" Jared " don't come please. She came here to focus on school. You will be a distraction to her. You also wouldn't have a job here . So you can't possibly support her like I can. I'm what she needs , not you. Your better off as friends really. Tell her I will see her soon " Shannon was pissed and hung up . He set her phone back down again on the dresser.

Juliet could feel his tension in his arms . She pulled his shirt off over his head . He was surprised by this , he didn't know what to do next. She rolled them over then took off her shirt , placing his hands on her breasts. He was taken by her naked silky skin. She seemed to melt in his touch.

She leaned down and kissed his neck His hand moved down into her panties touching her butt , she moaned into his lips. He was making her body come alive. She sat up again and signed " make love to me " Shannon sat up drinking her lips again as he pushed his hand into her panties, feeling how wet she was. Should he take her innocence or wait until later. But later may never come.

He couldn't wait. He pulled her under him and took off her undies and his boxers. She was taken a back from his size. He grinned and had an idea.

She closes her eyes and his lips of sin tasted her skin starting from her feet, then to her soft legs and lower to her inner thighs . His fingers traced the outline of her pussy , she got shivers from deep within the deepest layers of her soul.

He looked up and saw that she was yearing for him to be inside of her. His body drapped over hers. She dragged her nails down his back. His moans vibrated throughout her body. She shook with delight as he slipped inside of her. His body was made just for her she thought . Their rhythms in unison. Never letting one other get to far ahead of each others intense chase for pleasure.

Hours passed , it was close to time, to parting time. But he didn't care. He couldn't get enough of her desires. His heart had found a home in hers. He knew he had to let her go. But it was only for now , not forever.

She came one more time , meeting him at the gates of passionate, releasings of love. Love had found two people, who dare to give love and one other, the keys to each others souls.

They laid in bliss for the last half hour & eventually found their way to be dressed again and on their way to the airport. He held her hand leading them both inside and to the parting of there lovers exit. He kissed her one last time the signed goodbye.

She laid her forehead on his, then placed her hand on his heart. As they pulled away she signed " is this mine, as mine is yours ?" He smiled and had never felt such deep feelings like this for any girl. Shannon signed and said " it's all yours , my Juliet". Juliet blushed and signed " then let it join mine , in our own blissful heaven of love, my Romeo "

Shannon smiled big and bowed kissing her hand one last time. He watched her walk to the gate and waved goodbye. She walked out of view and entered the plane , taking her seat. The plane felt empty without him. She would see him again. Soon. She was sure of it.

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