Chapter 40

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Shannon's POV

I had enough of this back and forth. After I gave her what she wanted she booked on me once again. I should have known it was never gonna be enough to change  her into what I wanted her to be.

A wild spirit, I guess can't be tamed . I take the long road to the airport and prepare to start from square one. Not as I planned whatsoever but what can ya do you know. Life is not a predicted path its a bunch of twist and turns of an unknown ending.

The parking lot is half full and the moon is high. I just want a drink or six. Anything to kill this fuckin pain they call love. I'm not a man that cries but this shit hit a nerve with me. How do you not let a woman get close to you and fall in love giving your heart even if they return it ripped in half and bleeding.

I grab my bag and ticket , time to leave it all behind. No ! Fuck this I'm not going down without a fight. She is my future wife. If she wants me to prove I love her so be it I will. I feel like crap for leaving her on the freeway. But truth be told I had a plan all along.

I knew she was with Robert. I knew he was there at the park. I knew she was in safe hands. She however didn't have a clue. That was one huge mess id have to fix. Now for phase two.

At Roberts house :

Robert was busy fixing dinner and tossing a fresh salad. Candles lit and music began to play. Julie was seated by the bar,  watching  as he was busy making her fall in love. Or so she thought.

Julie " you are a treat to watch you know that ? I like a man that can cook. Shannon could but he only did a few times. ". Roberts ears perked up and a smile came across his face. He didn't face her though he kept his eyes on the stove.

Robert" do you miss him ?" She gaped. Robert smiled even bigger. Juliet " why would I miss someone who dropped me off and didn't care weather , I lived or died ". Robert " you do miss him huh? ". Juliet got up and grabbed a drink , taking a sip. Juliet " not at all , does that answer your question ?" Robert turned around and set down the food , then pulled out her seat.

She smiled and said " why thank you kind sir ". Robert " formal , hmmmm I like it ". They both sat down as he looked his phone placed on his lap. Juliet " you need to take that ?" Robert " yea is that ok ?" Juliet " sure it's cool ".

Robert " I won't be long , I promise ". He stood up and she watched him walk out the door. Ten minutes later he didn't come inside. Maybe it was super important . Too bad his food is gonna get cold.

The door clicked . I smile and say " hey welcome back ! You might wanna rewarm your food though and ....." She didn't hear a voice , just foot steps. Maybe he's trying to be sneaky and romantic.

A hand touches her shoulder , immediately , she could feel it wasn't Robert it was .... Juliet " Shannon ? Why are you here ?" Shannon came in front of her and got on his knees. Shannon " I know you have every right to be upset at me , ok pissed off . But I refuse to give up on you on us, I can't . We belong together . I wanna be yours and you be mine , till the day we die. I'm so sorry Juliet . I wanna let you know this was all a plan. I dropped you off. I knew that Robert was there nearby , I was pissed off though you dropped me. But it's gotta stop ok ? No more back and forth. If you leave me again I will not come back. So ... Will you marry me , tonight ? I have two tickets to Tahiti we leave in one hour ? You with me or no ?" Shannon held out his hand and inside there was her ring . She heard the door open and could see Robert coming inside and he smiled " surprise ! I couldn't tell you I'm so sorry ".    She hit his arm and then laughed.  Juliet " your good I had no idea !"     

Robert grabbed his car keys and as he was walking past Juliet said " where are you going?"    Robert glanced at Shannon and then Juliet and said " leaving you two to have dinner before you fly off to get married ". Then he kissed her cheek and left the house and shouted back " have fun you two but not to much fun ". Closing the door he left.

Juliet looked at Shannon and saw his eyes soften and and she touched his face and he leaned in kissing her palm. Shannon " tell me your mine till the day we die , please ? I swear I will never hurt you again and support you in dancing and anything else your heart loves I will too. Say something to me ?"

She looked in his eyes and said " yes .... I Love you very much and I will stop playing games and give you my heart , but don't leave me again , got it ?"

Shannon pulled her face to him and said " I promise you , my Juliet . I can't wait to be alone with you later. ". Juliet " we are alone now , so o think we should take advantage of it don't ya think ?" A devilish look came across his face and he smiled and said " that's for the wedding night , I'm gonna make you wait mmmmm and believe me ......" He sneakily slid the ring back on her finger .

He leaned in and kisses her neck and growled in her ear . Shannon " it's gonna be a allllll night celebration ". She got shivers all over as she stood up with him.

Shannon " now let's eat so we can go have some fun later ". He playfully smacked her butt and she jumped .

As they finished up later on , they packed up and headed for Tahiti. Shannon said as he pulled into the freeway " no more running ?" Juliet grabbed his knee and said " no more running babe ". He kissed her hand and they sped off to adventures.

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