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A little while ago mikey got home as he entered the house he saw unfamiliar shoes along with suit cases on the living room he soon went to the backyard as his eyes widen seeing his only cousin m/n

The two had a bad history together considering that the two fought all the time but that was only mikey's amusement when he was a kid his now 15 m/n didn't say any word and walked pass him mikey was about to reach out to him but took his hand back gritting his teeth and clicked his tounge

His still mad at you for what you've done to him when both of you where still kids

You where now at the living room waiting for grandpa sano to come thats when emma went to you "oh i thought who it was it's just you" she said in a rather disliked tone

You didn't blame her you where the one who did pushed her off the bike resulting to her having some scratches to this day she still Dislikes you for your attitude

You averted your look from her and she huffed "still rude as ever" she said and walked away you bit the inside of your cheek 'im sorry' you thought and that's when granpa sano came and patted your head "come on your parents told me let's go I'll show you to your room"

"did they inform you how much of a trash i am" you whispered and he could only sigh "let's just go" you nodded and he showed you to a room it was plain but some things where there "is this shinichiro's room?" you said and grandpa sano nodded

"yes" your eyes widen"i-"" no take this room the closet is right there unpack and I'll show you around town you could only nod and did as he said


As you where now done going around town grandpa sano gave you a document "im sure your intelligent enough right?" he asked and you read it you nodded "hai"

It was adoption papers and you signed it grandpa sano patted your head and went out you sat on the floor board entrance looking at the door

That's when someone slapped your head you didn't react "oi m/n what's wrong i thought you were a noisy annoying bitch" you didn't answer which made mikey's blood boil he grabbed your collar and slammed you on the floor boar

"don't think too high of your self just because you got shinichiro's room and you can live here with us" he said you looked away

"are you mocking me?" mikey said and slammed your head on the board again you didn't answer as blood ran down your forehead "you might die" mikey said and kept on slamming your head

You wanted to die you wanted the embrace of death dying this way isn't that bad you closed your eyes as you gave up

Blood pooled around you as mikey let go of you

You looked at him and smile "thank you" you said and closed your eyes this caused mikey to stiffen

"o-oi emma!!"he shouted and emma soon got out her room as her eyes widen" what the hell mikey!! " she shouted and ran to the kitchen getting a basin and water along with a towel

Mikey was about to scoop you" leave me i wanna...die"you said gripping on his arm "please kill me" you said mikey clicked his tpunge and Brought you to the couch sitting you down emma cleaned your scratches as he put on alcohol and anti infections

You only looked at the ceiling "m/n" mikey said as you didn't answer "why" you said "why didn't you kill me? " you asked looking at him with a smile

Emma was taken aback "h-huh?" mikey was stunned "ne tell me why didn't you kill me?" you said smiling emma soon stood up and went to call their grandpa

Mikey didn't answer you as you kept quiet again looking at the ceiling "what's wrong with you?" he asked silently "im broken my brain isn't working as it used to" you said

A few minutes of waiting grandpa sano came and explained to them that you have sever depression wanting of death and a unknown disease that the doctor's call cds also known as call of death syndrome

Thats why your parents threw you away because of that unknown disease you now stood up as grandpa sano finished his scolding on them

You wobbly gone up the stairs mikey could only grit his teeth as emma had a sympathic expression looking at you

You now went inside shinichiro's room and collapsed on the floor you where too weak so you slept.

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