Chapter 5

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You now where inside the kitchen washing the dishes then heard a loud knock

You finished and sighed as you went to check who it is you opened the door to see izana your heart dropped and was about to slam the door but izana lifted you up and left a note

As you two now went to his hide out in tenjiku

You didn't resisted and just leaned on him izana hummed and put you down on the couch and you yawned "oh he fell asleep" izana said and chuckled

You rubbed your eyes "wow that was a long way" you said and leaned on the couch izana soon sat beside you and cuddled you

"izana why did you kidnap me again?"

"nothing much just missed you"

You sighed and stood up stretching "seriously i have to admit this place is cool" you said and went out side izana followed behind "izana could you get me some ice pops :>"

You said with a cute smile izana couldn't say no

"y-yeah sure but i get a kiss" he said and pointed at his lips

'for the sake of me'

You leaned down and kissed his lips and izana hummed and went to buy some ice pops


You where now sitting on the edge of the building with izana as he patted your head and soon two guys came in and you looked at the blonde

"so you betrayed your own brother" the blonde said

"not exactly betrayed but izana kidnapped me" you said and kisaki looked at izana boredly

"so are we going with my plan or what" he said you hummed "what plan izana?" you said to him he soon pointed at his lips you chuckled and kissed him

"well we planned on killing my sister emma" you froze

"oi why?" you said devastated "i have to" he said

"so what after emma im next?" you said with a hint of fear "no no my queen i will never hurt you" he said and hugged you kisaki glared at you

You all went down as they agreed tp execute the plan by shinichiro's death anniversary


You where now walking behind izana as he kept smiling about how he'll treat you right and some shit

You kept munching on your ice pop as you think of a way to save emma

But you two already arrived at the cemetery to see mikey and some other guys

You kept your cool and izana went to shinichiro's grave as a burning glare was sent his way you only kept eating your ice pop and soon wandered off out side

You saw a blonde boy and emma who was heading this way you said "emma someone will murder her protect her today" you said and the boy looked at you in surprise and soon after a fast motorcycle was coming and a guy stood up holding a bat

You looked at the blonde boy and he soon realized and made emma duck

Kisaki clicked his tongue driving away "plan b" he said and

You where now sighing in relief

But you soon choked as a knife was now stabbed behind you and emma looked surprised as well as she was stabbed

You coughed out blood along with emma "emma stay alive" you said and she nodded takemichi was too busy calling an ambulance

Mikey soon exited the cemetery to see both you and emma stabbed izana choked and ran to you "m/n!!" he shouted and sat you on his lap

"m/n please" he begged you shaked your head "my wish is finally coming true" you said mikey hugged emma as she held mikey's hand

"m/n he saved me from kisaki but....he had another plan" she said and coughed blood

"please don't blame him and i wish i could see draken one last... Time... I love"she said as she closed her eyes" emma!! "you shouted and pushed izana going to her you soon started crying as blood run down on you pooling both you and mikey" emma no" you said as you held her hand

"EMMAA!!!" you cried out "worry about your self for gods sake" mikey said and looked at the pool of blood you shaked your head "this is fine im fine" you said and kissed emma's hand tears rolling down your cheeks

The ambulance came and izana lifted you up and carried you to the ambulance you looked at mikey one last time and waved bye with a smile mouthing "arigatou" you said as the ambulance closed he was shocked and soon looked at his hands

'i couldn't protect the two of them' he thought and soon stood up and held his heart area he soon bit his tongue going to the hospital

"im so sorry" he muttered.

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